I am always aware of the LORD’S presence; he is near, and nothing can shake me.
Fears come in many forms. It is more than normal to be afraid of things.
My daughter is in the Air Force. She has been trained to kill. She takes plains apart and puts them back together. However, she sees the tiniest of spiders and she is grabbing her AK47 to take it out! By the way, I have a male co-worker who would grab an entire arsenal and follow right alongside her, so don’t think it is just a girl thing.
I have an irrational fear of sharks. I had the “pleasure” of being in Jaws 3 as an extra and although I never did a scene with Bruce (the animatronic shark), I am still petrified of great whites. I mean seriously, I have to keep my eyes closed in Finding Nemo when Bruce is on the screen.
Fear of failure or embarrassing yourself can keep you from doing great things. I know I have been so scared because I felt totally inadequate. As a matter of fact, you are reading a fear of mine right now. I was so afraid to open up a blog and begin writing. There are still days I sit and look at my computer and wonder who I think I am. Who wants to read anything I would write? I often have to take a deep breath and remember it isn’t about me. It is what God has called me to do. I just need to show up and do my best and let him handle the rest.
Another form of fear is found in my PTSD. Lately, I have had some major struggles in this area. I have woke up with night terrors and not sure where I am or what just happened. After a recent sleepless night, because I refused to go back to sleep after waking up from a dream, I reached for a book to read and came across Psalm 16:8.
Through this verse, God reminded me I wasn’t alone. My demons could not hurt me. They were just playing with my mind again.
Now, this next part may seem a little silly to some people, and that is fine. This idea just isn’t for you, but it worked for me and so I am sharing it in case there is someone else who needs to hear it. The next night, when I went to bed, I was once again struck with the fear of sleeping. So, I created a verse image and put it on my iPad and kept in on next to my bed. This way when I woke up the first thing I would see was the verse and I could read it and fight back against my fear. I also put my bible on my nightstand. I know in all reality it is physically just a book, but sometimes just reaching out and touching it reminds me of who I am and whose presence I am in and who is going to fight my battles.
My demons can never stay in the presence of God. They cannot win when I remind them of who I am and more importantly who my Father is. I just have to be made aware of the LORD’s presence; he is near, and nothing can shake me.
I hope this helps someone out there. Remember no matter what your fear is, God is there too!
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