Fear Fighting

Psalm 16:8 (GNT)
I am always aware of the LORD’S presence; he is near, and nothing can shake me.

Fears come in many forms.  It is more than normal to be afraid of things.

My daughter is in the Air Force.  She has been trained to kill.  She takes plains apart and puts them back together.  However, she sees the tiniest of spiders and she is grabbing her AK47 to take it out! By the way, I have a male co-worker who would grab an entire arsenal and follow right alongside her, so don’t think it is just a girl thing.

I have an irrational fear of sharks.  I had the “pleasure” of being in Jaws 3 as an extra and although I never did a scene with Bruce (the animatronic shark), I am still petrified of great whites.  I mean seriously, I have to keep my eyes closed in Finding Nemo when Bruce is on the screen.

Fear of failure or embarrassing yourself can keep you from doing great things. I know I have been so scared because I felt totally inadequate.  As a matter of fact, you are reading a fear of mine right now.  I was so afraid to open up a blog and begin writing.  There are still days I sit and look at my computer and wonder who I think I am.  Who wants to read anything I would write? I often have to take a deep breath and remember it isn’t about me.  It is what God has called me to do. I just need to show up and do my best and let him handle the rest.

Another form of fear is found in my PTSD.  Lately, I have had some major struggles in this area.  I have woke up with night terrors and not sure where I am or what just happened.  After a recent sleepless night, because I refused to go back to sleep after waking up from a dream, I reached for a book to read and came across Psalm 16:8.

Through this verse, God reminded me I wasn’t alone.  My demons could not hurt me.  They were just playing with my mind again.

Now, this next part may seem a little silly to some people, and that is fine.  This idea just isn’t for you, but it worked for me and so I am sharing it in case there is someone else who needs to hear it.  The next night, when I went to bed, I was once again struck with the fear of sleeping.  So, I created a verse image and put it on my iPad and kept in on next to my bed.  This way when I woke up the first thing I would see was the verse and I could read it and fight back against my fear.  I also put my bible on my nightstand.  I know in all reality it is physically just a book, but sometimes just reaching out and touching it reminds me of who I am and whose presence I am in and who is going to fight my battles.

My demons can never stay in the presence of God.  They cannot win when I remind them of who I am and more importantly who my Father is.  I just have to be made aware of the LORD’s presence; he is near, and nothing can shake me.

I hope this helps someone out there. Remember no matter what your fear is, God is there too!


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Finding Peace in Exhaustion

Psalm 4:8
In peace I will lie down and sleep,  for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Going back to school can be exhausting for everyone students, parents and yes, teachers. Add to that the ever popular back to school virus that inevitably makes it rounds and you have some very exhausted and cranky people.

It has been a very long week. My poor husband has had to put up with a lot. I have been sick for two weeks. I am usually OK for the first week of being sick, but then the sick of being sick sets in and I get cranky.

It puts me in a tailspin and quite frankly strengthens my depression. I push all day to keep it together and then I head home. Home, where I can be me and not pretend all is OK anymore. Home, where I can put my smile away. Home, where I can lay down and sleep in peace.

Well, I can at least lay down. When I am in this mood it is so hard to find peace.

I recently found Psalm 4:8. When I am struggling to find that peace, I remind myself it is already there. It is all around me. I just have to accept it. This doesn’t come easy, but reciting this verse over and over strengthens me. It gives me the peace to lay down and sleep. I can dwell in the Lord’s safety. It often starts very small, but it does grow.

Are there verses that bring you comfort and strength? I would love to see you share them in the comments. Help strengthen others. Remember we write to leave a part of us behind as a map to those who follow.


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved

Light My Way

Psalms 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

“Father God,

I thank you for the light of Your Word. Let Your Word be what I run to and cling to when I find myself lost, drifting, and compromising with the ideas of the world. Help me to remain on the lighted path that You have laid out before me. Allow me to be a light to others who need you as well.”

These are the words I read today during my devotion time. They hit me very hard. This past summer I had been praying so hard for God to intervene so I would not have to return to my teaching position. I wanted so badly to stay at home and write for a living and finish my dissertation. My answer was no.

God has a path for me to travel. He lit that path very brightly and it took me right back to my job for now.

So, I turned to my bible again and prayer and looked for everything I could find about calming the child or calming the storm. I found so many verses about God having plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and continuing to ​perfect and complete the good work he has started in us (Philippians 1:6). I even found a new favorite about trusting the Lord and leaning not on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).

I prayed for the Lord to help me continue down his path. I promised to follow his light. You know what? God intervened! No, ​I did not get to quit my job, but I found myself not minding. As a matter of fact, the first few days were very enjoyable. There was a new spring in my step.

I am not naive. I know there will be days to come that I will still struggle. However, I know on whom I can depend to get me through. I know if I just keep looking toward the light and picking up my lamp I will find the right path.

Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Let There Be Light…the End

Psalms 97:11
Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.

So I began this journey talking about PTSD, anxiety, and depression. I then moved on to my seizures and two wonderful pups that were placed in my life. How do I connect all of this together? That is easy, God!

Only one of my seizure ever came back as epileptic. For many years, I was told my seizure activity was made up. The official term was pseudo-seizures. I had several doctors who truly made me feel like I was making it all up for attention. It wasn’t really their fault. Little was known about seizures at the time.

A few years ago, some new studies came out that linked pseudo-seizures with stress levels much in the same way they link migraines. As a matter of fact, I also suffer from migraines and my doctor said very often instead of coming out as a headache, sometimes my migraines were coming out as seizures.

These stressors can come in many different packages. I have environmental ones like certain foods I am allergic to as well as seasonal allergies. My body getting run down because of being sick or lack of sleep can become a trigger. Then there is the biggest one of all, life!

Annie was very good at noticing when I was getting stressed. She would often walk up to me and get me to pet her to take my mind off things. It was very calming and I can’t tell you how many seizures she helped me avoid by just calming me down. However, when those really difficult moments came and my PTSD kicked in I would get lost in the darkness. Even Annie struggled with how to bring me back.

I don’t know if it was because of the life he endured or if God just decided to equip him with a little extra light, but Meshach knows exactly what to do. Meshach runs to my side when he feels those anxieties creeping up inside me. When I am so frightened, reliving each and every moment of torment, he doesn’t let me walk alone. He cuddles me. He licks me. He simply stays right by my side and never takes his eyes off me. Just like when we first met.

God sends him to light the path for me. He is there to let me know I am not alone and we will get through this together. In the military, it is often referred to as “he’s got my six.” The really cool thing is I have his too. There are times when he leans into me when we are in a big crowd. I reach down, place my hand on his head and he looks up at me with those big brown eyes and I remind him, we are in this together. He lets out a slow breath, stands a little taller and we go on.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future. Right now God has chosen to show me his love and light through four big paws and a very wet nose.

Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.


Yes, I would like a venti non-fat double shot strength peace-filled mocha latte, ​please.

Psalms 29:11 (NIV)

The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.


Have you ever wished God was like Starbucks?  You know you walk up to the counter or drive up to the little speaker and you say,

“Yes, I would like a venti non-fat double shot strength peace-filled mocha latte please.”

I just want to see a menu of the fruits of the spirit and pray for a shot of this with extra that, all piled high with whip cream!

Yep, I so wish I could do that some days.  However, God seems to think I just need my daily portion and that will suffice.  I know.  He is right.  I also know there are many times he is standing there waiting to give me my portion and I don’t take it.  Or maybe you have been in a place where you have taken it but just not used it.

I am afraid it is time to sit down and have the hard talk now.  So, grab your cup of coffee, relax and take a deep breath.

Let’s start with the obvious.  We all know in our hearts, God is enough.  God gives us what we need when we need it.  I think we can all admit to having enough faith to believe that statement.  Our struggle, or at least my struggle is in the delivery.

I have always had faith God can do anything.  My faith starts being strained when you tie in the “will he” and “when will he” portions.

Over the years, I have really worked on both of these concepts.  It has been hard because there are so many times in our lives we pray for something and God doesn’t answer the way we want.  Now notice those last four words, “the way we want.”  All too often we go to God with a prayer and a plan. Then when God doesn’t follow the plan, we accuse him of not answering the prayer.  When in fact he is answering the prayer just with his plan.  Sometimes those plans include answers in the form of “no” and “not yet.”

Gulp. Breath. Ponder for a minute.

I can’t tell you why God is telling you no or to wait awhile.  I can only tell you he has your best interest at heart.  The situation you are going through today may be unimaginable.  I am thinking of a dear one who recently miscarried. Why would God put someone through all of that?  Why would his answer to bringing a new baby into a warm and loving family, be no or wait?  Why is the woman who can’t get pregnant at all hearing God say no or wait?  Why did that lady who never wanted a child and now wants an abortion to get pregnant in the first place?

I wish with every fiber of my being I could tell you why God does things.  But I can’t. I am not him.

I can tell you one thing though.  God is ALWAYS standing at the door waiting to give you his strength and blessing you with peace.  That is never a “no” or “wait” answer.  As a matter of fact, he is standing on his very tip toes, yelling out as loud as he can, “I am here! Just ask me!  I so want to give you strength and peace!  Ask me! Then take it and use it!”

Do you feel like you are in the pits today?  Do you feel the sorrow is so deep you don’t think you will ever get out?  Are you crying out for just a little of that strength and peace? I would love to pray for you.  You don’t have to tell me what you are going through.  You can leave a comment that just says pray, please.

In the mean time, may I leave you with this…

Lord, you have promised to give your people strength and to bless them with peace.  So, right now I am asking that you deliver on this promise and touch each of us with the strength and peace to carry on through our struggles today, tomorrow and forever to come.  I pray that we learn to cling to that strength and peace even on the days when it seems to take all of it just to take one more breath or one more step.  I will trust that it will be there again when I take the next ones and then again and again. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen

Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Storm Alert!

Psalms 119:33&34

34 Give me understanding [a teachable heart and the ability to learn], that I may keep Your law; And observe it with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.

Have you ever had to pray, “Lord, make me willing to be willing”?  I know for me there are some days that is all I have in me to give.  I am not in a place to even be willing to do the right thing.  No way! No how!  It is usually because I am so frustrated, angry or hurt at the moment that my inner rebellious little tantrum throwing child is screaming out in pure agony.

Just ask any of my children or my hubby and they will tell you I am very good at the hands on hips, foot tapping, laser eyes, and tightly drawn lips.  Shoot I even add the jaws clenched and teeth grinding some days.  It is in those moments I really need a heavenly attitude adjustment.

I know it.

Everyone around me knows it.

But I! Don’! Want! To! (Please insert stomping foot for full effect!)

I want to hand on to my anger and hurt.  I mean, it was obviously someone else’s fault that I am in this mess.  Somebody did something to me.  I would never choose to be acting like this; would I? Or would I?  Is that somebody really making me act this way?  Do they have so much control that they pull my strings and I perform?

Well, let me tell you, last time I checked Pinocchio and I could sing a duet.

I’ve got no strings
To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I’m free
There are no strings on me

I am sorry to say, there is no one making you or I DO anything.

Now please pause with me here just one moment.  I am not saying we never have a reason to feel hurt or angry.  What I am saying is we can choose not to hit DEFCON 1 and let your Mt Vesuvius spew everywhere, while balancing on an earthquake during a hurricane. Oh come on, you know you have all been there.  I am not just being a drama queen here.

When those weather patterns start circling and I feel my temperature rising, I have to choose to step back.  Somedays I have packed all the right gear and can avoid the storm altogether. Other days it rushes up on you out of what seems like nowhere and I have to start with just being willing to be willing.

When I step up and say, God, I am willing to ask to be willing, I can almost hear see him slap and rub His hands together and say, “OK, Challenge accepted!”

I think that is why I love the amplified version of Psalms 119:34 & 35.  In those moments I am reaching out to God and saying my heart is pretty hard right now.  Please give me understanding, soften my heart teachable and make it teachable.  God, I am willing to put one foot in front of the other but please MAKE me walk in Your path.  I know in the end gray skies are gonna clear up and I will put on a happy face.

So the next time the weather alerts to possible storms ahead, grab your rain coat to show God you are at least willing to be willing and He will handle the rest.
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

A Glimpse Through God’s Eyes

Psalms 18:29 (NIV)

With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.

Last week I took my granddaughter to an indoor play area at our local mall.  Actually, we originally went there to get some yummy Chinese for lunch.  However, when she saw all the children running, jumping, climbing and screaming she looked at me with those big sparkling eyes and starting pointing and pleading, “Play MawMaw, play?!”  OK, this MawMaw’s heart melted in about 2.2 seconds and said, “Of course we will play honey.”

Now Baby-bop is petite for her age, but she is one tough little chickadee.  She is only one and a half, but she struts around like she is fully grown.  That is probably because she is around adults most of the time being an only child.

The play area was completely surrounded by a huge couch for adults to sit and relax on while their little monsters ran to and fro.  This MawMaw was still kind of leery of letting her precious little monster just go and play.  I mean there was some bigger kiddos in there.  The toys were huge and slippery.  By the way, who makes a play area where we tell you socks only and then makes all the climbing thingies slick and slippery.  I mean really??

When we first entered, Baby-bop must have been a little apprehensive as well.  She clung to my hand pretty tight and held blanky ever so closely as she sucked her thumb.  She watched the kids very carefully, cocking her head when she couldn’t quite figure out where they disappeared.  Then smiled when they came down a slide or out the other end of a tunnel.

Soon, she dropped my hand and wondered a little closer. Then she started giggling and clapping her hands as she watched several boys playing tag.  Before I knew it, blanky was left on the ground and she was screaming off into the distance.

Occasionally, she would turn and make sure I was still there.  Sometimes she would scream, “Look MawMaw” and point to something or simply want me to watch her.  A few times she came and grabbed my hand and pulled me over to make kids move out of the way or help her climb up something.

As I sat on that couch listening to her shouts of glee and occasional frustration, I saw a glimpse of us through God’s eyes.

I mean this must be what it is like for him to watch us take those first few steps into a new journey.  At first, we are frightened but we step out.  Then as we familiarize ourselves we slowly try new things, meet new people and then in a blink of His eye, we are off to the races.

Like my granddaughter, I hope you never forget help is always there.  Sometimes we just want to yell, “Look at me God, I’m doing it!”  Other times, we are racing back because we are curious or frustrated and need him to show us the way.  Yes, there are even times we come back hurt and crying.  But just like MawMaw, God will pick you up, cuddle you, dust you off and then send you back on your way.

You see even though it is nice and warm and safe cuddled in God’s arms, God knows we have to get back up and go again.  Yes, we could get hurt again, but we also get to love, learn and be filled with joy again too.  With his help we can advance against the troops; with our God, we can scale the walls!
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

A Shoulder To Cry On

Psalms 34:15 (NASB)
The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous
And His ears are open to their cry.

Some days I just need a shoulder to cry on. I just need to know someone is there. I don’t need my problem fixed. I don’t need a white knight to come rescue me. I just need a quite place to regroup. I just need someone to love me.

I have fond memories of my Daddy picking me up and holding me. For those moments, there was no one else in the world but him and I. I knew there was nothing that would harm me or take me out of that place of peace and love right then.

Now, I am a little too big to run and have my Dad catch me or even curl up in his lap. But , I will never be to big to fall into his arms. I am grateful that my father is still with me. I am more grateful that my father has given me an example of what my Heavenly Father does.

I’ve been through a divorce. I’ve been jobless, homeless and sick. I have six children so there are many tears shed there. Through all of my trials in life I have felt times of peace. Notice I said times of peace, not peace all of the time. I felt that peace when I gave up my fight for a few minutes. I laid my weapons down. I went running Home. I jumped into my Father’s lap. He cradled me and I had a shoulder to cry on. Better yet, He also dusted me off and put me back on my path to continue on. He knows I don’t need Him to fix it. I don’t need Him to take it all away. Because if a an eagle never faces the edge of the nest, she will never learn to fly. But, when those storms hit it is always nice to have a nest to come and rest in for a moment.

Are you ready to let God be your nest today? You Daddy in Heaven is waiting with arms wide open. Why don’t you take a minute and jump in. After all, The eyes of the Lord are upon you and His ears are open to your cry.