Let There Be Light Part 2

Psalms 67: 1 & 2
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.

This was not my first service dog. As a matter fact, my first answer to prayer had come eleven years before. Let me back up a little.

It was September of 2006. I had spent the last thirteen years going from doctor to doctor and trying a long list of medicines to control my seizures. Nothing was working and I had enough. I gave up all meds and decided to try a totally different avenue.

After lots of research and prayer, I chose to seek out the assistance of a service dog. My doctor at the time refused to sign off for me to get one from a company who trained seizure response dogs. As a matter of fact, he didn’t believe in them and told me he thought it was a bunch of “Hooey” and yes that was his professional opinion!

With the help of the company and lots of lessons from other sources, I learned how to train service dogs. So, we went on a search for the perfect dog. We called it operation Annie. My mother-in-law’s best friend had passed away and she was all about children and animals. I wanted to honor her memory.

My husband and I walked into a local shelter to just take a look. I remember I was on the phone with a friend walking around when my husband stopped in front of me. I heard him laughing. He had tried to walk by a cage and a cute little puppy reached out and grabbed him and wouldn’t let go.


We escorted the little bundle of brown fur to a play area. She was all over my husband and would have nothing to do with me. I thought there was no way this dog was going to make a good service dog for me. However, my husband was in love and there was no telling him no.

So as he went to sign the papers and pay, I was left sitting in a little fenced in area. It was a showdown. We stared at each other. I hated the name they had given her. I sat there trying to decide what name we should give her. I swear I felt the Holy Spirit hit me upside the back of the head and say, “I don’t know what about Annie!” I felt like an idiot, but I looked at her and said, “Hi, Annie.” She leaped across the space between us and fell into my lap giving me the facial of all facials. That was just the beginning of many miracles yet to come.

Within the first week of owning this 6-week old chocolate lab/German pointer mix, she alerted to two seizures. Now let me explain something to you. You cannot train a dog to alert to a seizure. It is a rare thing for them to be able to pick up on them ahead of time. When you train a dog, you simply train them to respond once you start having one. This little thing dug her heels and would not walk another step, turned and jumped up on me before I had a seizure. I can only explain this with one word, God!

Over the next ten years, she served me well. She not only would give me a 15 to 30 minutes heads up, but she also learned how to make me start breathing again. It happened when she was quite small. She watched my mother push in on my diaphragm when I quit breathing during a seizure. The next time it happened she jumped on me trying to push in the same spot. When she realized it wasn’t working, she got frustrated and she bit me. It shocked me right out of it and I began to breathe again. Again, I can only sum this up as God!

Annie was a blessing to so many people. God truly shined his light through her everywhere she went.  She worked with kids with emotional issues as a therapy dog. She alerted to not only my seizures but also a student of mine’s, a substitute teacher’s I worked with and my son’s. She helped educate our community about service dogs and spent many hours in hospitals and nursing homes comforting people.

In 2015, Annie became very ill. When she finally bounced back she wasn’t the same dog. Her ‘get up and go’ was a little slower, her tail wagged a little less and she began to bump into things. Annie was going blind. We both knew it was time to find a replacement, but how was I ever going to replace her. The love of my life. The saver of my life many times over.

It would take lots of prayers, lots of dogs and seven months of searching. To paraphrase Bogart in Casablanca, “Of all the shelters in all the towns, in all the world, I walked into his.”

Come back tomorrow for more of my story.

Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

I am confident that I have no confidence! Or, do I?​

Judges 6: 12, 14 & 15

12When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”

14The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”

15“Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”

I have confidence in sunshine,
I have confidence in rain.
I have confidence that spring will come again!
Besides what you see I have confidence in not me.


For those of you Sound of Music fans who were singing along above, I apologize for the word change.  But I have to tell you confidence is not a close friend of mine.  I am so glad the bible is filled with not-so-confident characters to help me not feel alone.

One of my favorite Bible stories, when I was little, was about a man who had very little confidence.  As a matter of fact from the world’s point of view, he really didn’t have much to be confident of according to the bible.  This man described himself like this, “Look at me. My clan’s the weakest in Manasseh and I’m the runt of the litter.”

You can read the whole story in Judges chapters 6 through 8.  But for now, let me give you a little taste.

The Israelites had messed up yet again and turned back to doing evil in God’s sight.  So, he turned them over to Midianites who were very cruel to them.  They would march into their land and destroy everything. So the Israelites made hideouts in the caves of the surrounding mountains.   After being reduced to grinding poverty they finally cried out to God for help.

So, who does God send but Gideon the man of the weakest clan and the runt of the litter!  As a matter of fact, poor Gideon has such little confidence about anything he asked God for signs just to make sure he was hearing him correctly.

Oh, and to add insult to injury. Gideon was just finally finding a little confidence and sure that he was supposed to go out and defeat those guys who eat nuts and bolts and drank motor oil for breakfast. God gave him stepped up and gave him the next part of his plan.  Gideon my man you are getting an army of just 300 men to fight along side you!  Oh, and by the way, for your weapons of choice you will get a torch, jar, and trumpet.

Yes, you read that correctly!  God not only chose what the world deemed as a wimp, but he gave him just 300 men to go fight a huge army of elite fighting machines with just a torch, jar, and trumpet.  Now doesn’t that just scream confidence builder! Personally, I think I just would have screamed.

Insert Tabetha now.  I lack confidence in my abilities all the time.  I am not confident about being a wife and mother.  I am so not confident in my writing or teaching.  I am so not confident in standing up in front of people and speaking.  Let me let you in on a little secret.  Confidence does not mean lack of fear. Confidence means you go through with the plan in spite of the fear.

Much like Sister Maria, Gideon had lots of concerns, questions, and fears, but he marched on.  He took those three hundred men and defeated that army of ninjas, without lifting a sword

So you see it is OK to have questions, concerns and even fears because…

Strength doesn’t lie in numbers.
Strength doesn’t lie in wealth,
Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers,
When you wake up, wake up! 
It’s healthy!
All I trust I leave my heart to,
All I trust becomes my own!
I have confidence in confidence alone.
Besides, which you see, I have confidence in me! 
(I Have Confidence by Richard Rodgers)
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Yes, I would like a venti non-fat double shot strength peace-filled mocha latte, ​please.

Psalms 29:11 (NIV)

The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.


Have you ever wished God was like Starbucks?  You know you walk up to the counter or drive up to the little speaker and you say,

“Yes, I would like a venti non-fat double shot strength peace-filled mocha latte please.”

I just want to see a menu of the fruits of the spirit and pray for a shot of this with extra that, all piled high with whip cream!

Yep, I so wish I could do that some days.  However, God seems to think I just need my daily portion and that will suffice.  I know.  He is right.  I also know there are many times he is standing there waiting to give me my portion and I don’t take it.  Or maybe you have been in a place where you have taken it but just not used it.

I am afraid it is time to sit down and have the hard talk now.  So, grab your cup of coffee, relax and take a deep breath.

Let’s start with the obvious.  We all know in our hearts, God is enough.  God gives us what we need when we need it.  I think we can all admit to having enough faith to believe that statement.  Our struggle, or at least my struggle is in the delivery.

I have always had faith God can do anything.  My faith starts being strained when you tie in the “will he” and “when will he” portions.

Over the years, I have really worked on both of these concepts.  It has been hard because there are so many times in our lives we pray for something and God doesn’t answer the way we want.  Now notice those last four words, “the way we want.”  All too often we go to God with a prayer and a plan. Then when God doesn’t follow the plan, we accuse him of not answering the prayer.  When in fact he is answering the prayer just with his plan.  Sometimes those plans include answers in the form of “no” and “not yet.”

Gulp. Breath. Ponder for a minute.

I can’t tell you why God is telling you no or to wait awhile.  I can only tell you he has your best interest at heart.  The situation you are going through today may be unimaginable.  I am thinking of a dear one who recently miscarried. Why would God put someone through all of that?  Why would his answer to bringing a new baby into a warm and loving family, be no or wait?  Why is the woman who can’t get pregnant at all hearing God say no or wait?  Why did that lady who never wanted a child and now wants an abortion to get pregnant in the first place?

I wish with every fiber of my being I could tell you why God does things.  But I can’t. I am not him.

I can tell you one thing though.  God is ALWAYS standing at the door waiting to give you his strength and blessing you with peace.  That is never a “no” or “wait” answer.  As a matter of fact, he is standing on his very tip toes, yelling out as loud as he can, “I am here! Just ask me!  I so want to give you strength and peace!  Ask me! Then take it and use it!”

Do you feel like you are in the pits today?  Do you feel the sorrow is so deep you don’t think you will ever get out?  Are you crying out for just a little of that strength and peace? I would love to pray for you.  You don’t have to tell me what you are going through.  You can leave a comment that just says pray, please.

In the mean time, may I leave you with this…

Lord, you have promised to give your people strength and to bless them with peace.  So, right now I am asking that you deliver on this promise and touch each of us with the strength and peace to carry on through our struggles today, tomorrow and forever to come.  I pray that we learn to cling to that strength and peace even on the days when it seems to take all of it just to take one more breath or one more step.  I will trust that it will be there again when I take the next ones and then again and again. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen

Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Storm Alert!

Psalms 119:33&34

34 Give me understanding [a teachable heart and the ability to learn], that I may keep Your law; And observe it with all my heart.
35 Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.

Have you ever had to pray, “Lord, make me willing to be willing”?  I know for me there are some days that is all I have in me to give.  I am not in a place to even be willing to do the right thing.  No way! No how!  It is usually because I am so frustrated, angry or hurt at the moment that my inner rebellious little tantrum throwing child is screaming out in pure agony.

Just ask any of my children or my hubby and they will tell you I am very good at the hands on hips, foot tapping, laser eyes, and tightly drawn lips.  Shoot I even add the jaws clenched and teeth grinding some days.  It is in those moments I really need a heavenly attitude adjustment.

I know it.

Everyone around me knows it.

But I! Don’! Want! To! (Please insert stomping foot for full effect!)

I want to hand on to my anger and hurt.  I mean, it was obviously someone else’s fault that I am in this mess.  Somebody did something to me.  I would never choose to be acting like this; would I? Or would I?  Is that somebody really making me act this way?  Do they have so much control that they pull my strings and I perform?

Well, let me tell you, last time I checked Pinocchio and I could sing a duet.

I’ve got no strings
To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I’m free
There are no strings on me

I am sorry to say, there is no one making you or I DO anything.

Now please pause with me here just one moment.  I am not saying we never have a reason to feel hurt or angry.  What I am saying is we can choose not to hit DEFCON 1 and let your Mt Vesuvius spew everywhere, while balancing on an earthquake during a hurricane. Oh come on, you know you have all been there.  I am not just being a drama queen here.

When those weather patterns start circling and I feel my temperature rising, I have to choose to step back.  Somedays I have packed all the right gear and can avoid the storm altogether. Other days it rushes up on you out of what seems like nowhere and I have to start with just being willing to be willing.

When I step up and say, God, I am willing to ask to be willing, I can almost hear see him slap and rub His hands together and say, “OK, Challenge accepted!”

I think that is why I love the amplified version of Psalms 119:34 & 35.  In those moments I am reaching out to God and saying my heart is pretty hard right now.  Please give me understanding, soften my heart teachable and make it teachable.  God, I am willing to put one foot in front of the other but please MAKE me walk in Your path.  I know in the end gray skies are gonna clear up and I will put on a happy face.

So the next time the weather alerts to possible storms ahead, grab your rain coat to show God you are at least willing to be willing and He will handle the rest.
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Somebody Call the Prayer Chain!

Galatians 6:2

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Was your mama on the prayer chain?  When I was little our church had the prayer chain.  It was a list of prayer warriors and phone numbers.  Anything happened to anyone in our church you called one person on the list and it was then passed down to the next person.

I still remember my mama saying things like, “I better start the prayer chain!” when she would hear about a problem.  It was often the first she asked when she got to a sick person’s side, “Did anyone start the prayer chain?”

It is a legacy that she has taught to me and I am ever so thankful for.

Luckily, with today’s technology, the prayer chain is a little easier and quicker.  As a matter of fact, almost a year ago I started a little prayer group my husband so lovingly dubbed the Yada Yada Sisters.  He named us after a series of books by Neta Jackson called the Yada Yada Prayer Group.  If you haven’t read the books I would highly recommend them.

As a matter of fact, feel free to swish me to the side and go check them out on Amazon right now.  Don’t forget me though.  Come back when you are done. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Oh, glad to see you back.

As I was saying, we started out with six ladies all from different walks of life but linked by our church.  I had a problem one night and reached out to them in a group text.  The next thing I knew, we were adding ladies and not only sharing prayer requests but praise reports, jokes and recommendations on where to get your car fixed.  Nothing is too small or too large of a concern for this group.

I would love to show you a picture one of the ladies sent us today to make us all laugh.  It has been a rough week for many of us and we just needed to relax.  She, however, would probably kill me if I shared, but let’s just say imagine your worse hair day and multiply it by 1 million…lol! Her water heater went out and so no shower this morning and she has REALLY long curly hair.

I don’t know what I would do without these ladies.  They are the true walking talking manifestation of Paul’s orders to the Galatians to Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NIV).

I pray you have people in your life you can depend on like my Yada Yada Sisters.  Please know even if you don’t, we are praying for each and every one of you.  I pray the Lord gives you strength and blesses you with his peace in every walk of your life.

Many blessings to you and yours,

The Yada Yada Sisters!
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Parts of the Whole

Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV)
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.

When I look into the past I see many wonderful memories. I also see some not so wonderful memories. Things that I would rather forget. Like the time I was in the movie theater and my mom leaned over to ask me what time it was. I quickly glanced at my watch only to remember too late that was the hand I had my drink in. OK, now that I am giggling, maybe I do want to keep that one. But I guarantee there a lot more filled with pain, heartache, and tears that I would rather pull out of my head and throw in a bowl and lock away in a cupboard like Professor Dumbledore.

I also have a bunch of mixed memories. After 10 years of marriage, we called it quits. He had moved on to someone else and there was no fixing things. Now there are many moments right there I would rather forget, but what about all those pleasant memories I still carry of our marriage. I mean we did love each once. We also had three wonderful children together. I have many fond memories of birthdays, Christmases, vacations, and family fun nights, do I just throw them away too?

It becomes very tangled when you add to the story that I now have remarried and he brought with him two more children and a past life with another woman. We have made a bunch of new memories together. Do we just cut out our previous lives? Full confession moment, sometimes when I think of an old memory, I feel like I am cheating on my husband.

You may have not gotten a divorce, but you may have been a child of divorce. Or, you may have had other relationships like previous boyfriends or girlfriends, maybe even just an old friendship that ended. The point is we all have previous lives. No matter how embarrassing or hurtful these memories are, they are making you who you are right now.

These wonderful, beautiful pieces of history are teachable moments.

My father always taught me when you walk into a room full of people you will learn something from the smartest person and the dumbest. Well, I am telling you today do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. We can all learn from the most favorable and even the not so favorable.
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Faith, Hope, Believe and He will

Hebrews 11:1-2, 6(NASB)
1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
2 For by it the men of old gained approval.
6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
I grew up in church.  I have faithful parents who have spent a lot of time on their knees praying for me. Now I am a parent.  My children have grown up in church and I have worn out the knees of many good pants on my children.

I am a firm believer there is always hope.  I also know faith and hope work hand in hand. In order to have hope we must have faith and if you have faith you are hoping for something. To add to those words we use the word believe. To have faith and hope I must first believe in something.

Hebrews is asking us to believe, have faith and hope in the God and that He wants to reward us.  That is the part that always tripped me up.  I have no problem believing God could do whatever I needed.  I always struggled with would He.  This verse promises me He will!  He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

So,the next time you find the doubts sneaking up on you when you pray, remember He wants to give you what you need. Hebrews says so and God never lies!

Is God out of business?

~Ps 77:9-10 (MSG)

9 Has God forgotten his manners? Has he angrily stalked off and left us?
10 “Just my luck,” I said. “The High God goes out of business just the moment I need him.”

Have you ever felt this way before? Have you ever felt so low down that you just know God can’t even reach you. You are so sure He has washed his hands and walked off. Put up the sign, “Gone Fishing.” God has left the building! Yeah me too! I’ve been there, done that and bought the t-shirt.

I have felt the pure loneliness and complete darkness of a totally drained spirit. The total quietness. All you can hear is your screams for help. Maybe it was a loss of a loved one, another fight with a spouse or a child or maybe a stab in the back from a close friend or a bad choice that left you in this desert. You may not even know what brought you here. Heck, you don’t even remember getting on the bus.

Never fear, it doesn’t matter what brought you. I know the man who will pay for your ticket back. As a matter of fact, it is already bought and paid for, you just have to get on. OK, OK, I know easier said than done when you feel totally alone. But the Psalms doesn’t end at this verse. God gives you the way out:

11 Once again I’ll go over what GOD has done, lay out on the table the ancient wonders;
12 I’ll ponder all the things you’ve accomplished, and give a long, loving look at your acts.
~Ps 77:11-12 (MSG)

There is an old song that says count your blessings, name them one by one. That is exactly what you need to start doing right now. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

It is really hard to stay in a funk, when you remember better days. You all of a sudden find yourself smiling, then giggling. You take a deep breath when you remember where you were and realize where you are standing now. You see how far you have come. You notice all of the things God has done for you so far. You remember He isn’t done with you yet, so he will get you through this one too.

Before you know it you are claiming ~Psalms 77:13-14 (MSG)
13 O God! Your way is holy! No god is great like God!
14 You’re the God who makes things happen; you showed everyone what you can do–

I know I can trust in you. Help me to never forget your works and keep your commands (Ps 78:7). I know your way is holy and no god is greater than you (Ps 77:13). Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name (Ps 63:3-4). 6 Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; and give heed to the voice of my supplications! In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, for You will answer me. There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord, Nor are there any works like Yours. All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and they shall glorify Your name. For You are great and do wondrous deeds; You alone are God. Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever (Ps 86:6-12).

Punishment, Discipline or Consequence

Psalms 103:10 (MSG) He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.


  • a penalty inflicted for an offense, fault, etc.; severe handling or treatment.


  • to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.


  • an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome.


What is the difference between a punishment, discipline and consequence? They can all hurt. We probably deserve them. Unless of course we are experiencing a punishment or consequence that was brought on by someone else. Not that that ever happens huh? Well there is a difference between them.

Punishments are dealt out by someone. They are almost a revenge of sorts. You did this so now I get to do this to you. Now stop furling up your brow at me. I know what you are thinking. I punish my kids when they do something wrong. Shouldn’t we punish the murderer for his crime. I didn’t mean revenge like an evil thing. I meant it like a make things even. Kind of like a pay back. Your son or daughter break the neighbors window with a ball, he or she must pay for the window. We try to even things up. If your son or daughter learns from this punishment, you have actually disciplined them.

Wow, that just brought me to another word, discipline. Punishment is meant to bring things even for the moment. Discipline is meant to learn or gain something from it. OK, the only thing
swirling in my head right now are diet and exercise. To many these are punishments…hahaha. Are they really though? Do we gain something from them? Good health, muscles, flexibility and energy. Yep we gain therefore you can no longer say they are a punishment. It is discipline!

Consequences are natural outcomes. They just happen based on what has already taken place. Kind of like a chain reaction. People often refer to it as action/reaction. You put your hand on a hot stove you get burnt. Can you or anyone else control just the outcome? No, you can only control the outcome by controlling what you did in the first place. If that is the case then what you are experiencing is not punishment, or discipline. It is a consequence.

There is someone who controls punishments, disciplines and consequences. As a matter of fact He keeps us from them a lot of the time when we don’t deserve it. He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve (consequences), nor pay us back in full for our wrongs (punishments). As a matter of fact He loved us so much He sent His one and only Son to die for our punishments and consequences (John 3:16). We don’t have to go to Hell now. He knows we aren’t perfect and He doesn’t expect us to be. He gives us unconditional grace and love when we slip up.

Does this mean there is no discipline involved? Will we never see consequences and punishment in our lives? Absolutely not! God is and does discipline. He leads us down the path of righteousness (Ps. 23:3). That takes discipline. It takes trying and trying again until we get it right. What we don’t experience is the punishment of God not loving us anymore and turning away from us. We don’t experience the consequence of “you sinned; your going to Hell right now.” We are no longer separated from God because of our sin.

We are loved. We are dusted off our boo-boos kissed and sent on our way again. We are given advice and told how to avoid getting into the same situation. We are not just walked through it, but loved throughout it. Are there punishments that come with it, maybe. Will you face consequences for your actions, probably. But you will not get what you truly deserve. You will not be separated from God. He is still there waiting for you to put your hands out and cry help me father, so He can run to you and pick you up, cuddle you and love you. He can tell you everything is going to be alright little one. We will get through this together.

Father forgive me for my faults. Discipline me by guiding me through the paths of righteousness. I am going to walk through the valley of death, but help me not to be afraid by walking by my side. Guide me so that I can feel secure. Chase after me with love every day of my life, so I can come home to you. (Ps. 23:3-6). Thank you for not treating me as my sins deserve, nor paying me back in full for my wrongs (Ps. 103:10). Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me. To take away my sins, so that I can live with you forever (John 3:16).

Seeds of Joy

Psalms 97:11-12 (MSG)
11 Light- seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people, Joy- seeds are planted in good heart- soil.
12 So, God’s people, shout praise to GOD, Give thanks to our Holy God!

Joy-seeds…hmmm…not so sure mine had sprouted this morning. I get up at 4:30 am every morning to take my son to work. Every morning it is the same thing. He gets up at 4:00 we have to be out the door by 4:45. Needless to say, I am still in my PJs when we leave. I always feel like I am rushing him out the door.

Instead of taking those precious quiet moments in the morning with my son, I find myself chastising him for some over looked item. I become impatient and sometimes a downright meanie. That is no way to start his day and certainly not a way I want to start mine.

This morning was right on schedule for our usual routine. I was ready to clobber him by the time we got out the door. When we got to his drop off did I offer words of encouragement? Did I say have a blessed day, God be with you? Did I pray with him? Nope, Nope and Nope. I am ashamed to say I didn’t even mutter I love you. Instead I rushed him out the door before having an argument over something he left at home that he swore I didn’t hand him.

ARGH! Now I know 4:30 in the morning doesn’t exactly scream bright eyed and bushy tailed. I am generally a morning person, but not until closer to 7:00 and 8:00 is even better. However, today’s verse does not say Light seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people at 8:00 in the morning. Joy seeds are planted at 8:30 and both die off as the day goes by.

Nor, does it say God plants, cultivates, waters and harvests light and joy. No, we have a part in this holy farm. We have to shout praise to God and give thanks to our Holy God! In other words we have to water, cultivate and harvest. Joy is always there ready for us to take on. If we do the foot work, God is faithful to bear the fruit in us. Galatians 5:22-23 (NASB) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self- control; against such things there is no law.

So, tomorrow is another day right. 4:30 am will come again. That is true, but you know what, 2:30 this afternoon will come first. I think 2:30 will bring with it an apology to my son when I pick him up today. It will bring a how was your day? It will bear burdens and share rejoicing. As a matter of fact the first thing out of my mouth today will be, “I’m sorry for this morning. I love you and will do better by you tomorrow.” Hopefully, I will help God plant a few of those Joy-seeds!

Lord today I want to belong to you. I want to be crucified by the flesh with its passions and desires. Help me to not only live by the Spirit but also walk by the Spirit. (Gal 5:24-25) I know that whatever a man sows, so shall he reap. (Gal 6:7) Today, I want to sow love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Help me to not lose heart in doing good. Give me the opportunity to do good to all people. (Gal 6:9-10) Let me walk by your rules and may peace and mercy be upon me. (Gal 6:16)