I Don’t Have to Hide BEHIND My Smile

Behind My Smile by Tabetha Frick

Proverbs 31:25

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come. (NIV)

Word Study

Laugh – H8471 שָׂחַק śāḥaq, to laugh, be amused; to laugh at, mock, scoff; [P] to celebrate, rejoice, frolic

To Come – H340 אַחֲרוֹן ’aḥᵃrôn, (temporal) next, later, last, end; (spatial) at the back, behind

Strength – H6437 עֹז ʽōz, strength, power, might; stronghold, fortification; strong-willed, stubborn

Dignity – H2077 הָדָר hādār, majesty, splendor, glory, nobility, blessing


She has firmness to bear up under crosses and disappointments (Matthew Henery’s Concise Commentary).

The Proverbs 31 Woman relies on God to get her through each and every day. He gives her strength to stand firm like a stronghold for others to come to in need. She is a blessing to those who need her help. She may need to take a moment to cry but she always gets back up. Her faith in her past gives her hope for her future. She knows where her smile comes from. Her face lights up with God. When she falls to her knees Satan quakes because it is not the end it is just the beginning!

I don’t have to hind behind a smile. My smile is from the Lord. It is backed by his strength. My smile can light the path for others and blind Satan in his tracks!

Copyright © 2019 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Timing is Everything

Psalm 31:15
My Times are in your hands.

Andrew Murray was a South African pastor who visited England in 1895. While there, an old back injury flared up causing him to go on bed rest. The lady of the house he was staying at came to him one day because of a friend of hers was in bad shape. She asked Murray if he had any words of encouragement for her friend. He quickly handed her a piece of paper he had been writing on with words of encouragement for himself. It said,
“In times of trouble say:
First- God brought me here. It is by His will I am in this strait place. In that, I will rest.
Next-He will keep me in His love and give me grace in this trial to behave as his child.
Then-He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace he means to bestow.
Last-In his good time He can bring me out again-how and when he knows.
I am here-By God’s appointment, in His keeping, under His training, for His time.”
In this age of microwaves, drive-thrus, and instant pots, we want everything NOW! We would do good to remember that everything is in God’s hands and God’s timing. He knows where we are at and what we are going through. He knew we would be there long before we did. He will be there through it all and with us all the time. His love and grace will see us through, even in our darkest pit.

Copyright © 2019 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Is the Sun Really the Center of our Universe?

Numbers 14:9 The Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.

You know the commercials that say, “9 out of 10 dentists prefer this toothbrush over this one”? Have you ever wondered if that one dentist that disagreed was right? Maybe, just maybe he knew something the other nine dentists didn’t. Should you still trust the other nine dentists more because they agreed on the other toothbrush? Is the majority, always right? If you believe that then you must also believe the Earth is the center of the universe because Galileo was about the only astronomer to say otherwise…lol!
In the bible, there were twelve men who left out on an adventure to explore a new place for the Israelites to inhabit (Numbers 14). Ten of these men came back with very frightening details about how the people were much stronger than the Israelites. They even spread scary rumors among the people of how they would all be devoured by these people (Numbers 13:32 & 33). 
On the other hand, there were two men, Caleb, and Joshua, who came back talking about the milk and honey that flowed everywhere, and large amounts of fruits! Yes, the city is well fortified, and the people are powerful, but we can take them. Who would you trust, the ten, or the two? 
Well, let me tell you, there was one guy in charge at the time, Mosses, and he knew something the others didn’t. He knew God had said he would give the land of Canaan to the Israelites. He declared, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it” (Numbers 13:30). However, the majority won out. The people chose to believe the majority. They were too afraid and refused to go in and take over Canaan. So, God basically cursed them for not following his directions and said none of them would ever see the promise land. They lost out on a wonderful gift all because they chose to follow the majority.
Sometimes, in our lives, we need to stand up and not follow the majority. We need to let our voices be heard. When we follow God’s direction, we can be sure we are doing the right thing no matter how wrong it looks to the majority. Sometimes we need to be that one dentist and say, “Nope, I recommend this one over here because it is best for my patients!”

Copyright © 2019 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Christians Practice What You Preach

1 Peter 4

Key Verse: 1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply because loves covers over a multitude of sins.

Christianity is not a restaurant and the bible is not a menu. You don’t get to pick and choose what you want and when you want it. You can’t choose one verse to judge or condemn someone and then another to set you free.

You have no right to hate anyone for any reason. You have a right to disagree. You have a right to not participate. you even have the right to an opinion. You DO NOT have a right to not love one another (1 Peter 4:8), not to offer hospitality to one another (1 Peter 4:9), or not offer grace to one another (1 Peter 4:10).

Jesus didn’t just hang with other Christians and shun everyone else. As a matter of fact, the only people he shunned and rebuked were the hypocritical, holier than thou, religious leaders. Read that again! THE. RELIGIOUS. LEADERS.

Wow! Hold the bus! You mean Jesus didn’t go around hating on the sinners? Nope! He hung out with them. He loved them. He showed them what being a Christian was supposed to look like, LOVE not hypocrisy!

There is a good reason the story of the woman brought to him by those so-called “religious leaders” is in the gospel of John (8:1-11). They came to ask him to condemn her. He chose to teach them a lesson on grace, love, and forgiveness.

We have been on both sides of the fence in this story. We have been the woman so ashamed we thought for sure even Jesus himself would turn his back on us. We have also been the religious leaders, poised with a stone high above our heads ready to pounce and judge someone else.

Jesus offered grace, love, and forgiveness to the woman. He also offered it to the religious leaders. He gave them a chance to walk away from their lives. He told them to go ahead, throw that stone, but you better be darn sure you have no issues in your life because you will be next. However, walk away now, recognize your own faults and grace, love, and forgiveness are yours also.

Where do you stand today? Are you going to throw that stone or are you going to accept your own need for grace, love, and forgiveness? The best way to receive it is to offer it yourself.
