For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.
Do you ever think of people as evil?
I know during election years, people love to vilify candidates. As we all know, it never stops there.
If you look back in history, there are names that pop up and most classify them as good or evil. But should they?
Did they do anything good?
Should we write people off as just evil?
My brother was taken from me. He was murdered execution style. It is pretty hard to not look at those who were in on it as not evil.
However, God never said forgive those who deserve it. Titus 2:11 doesn’t say He offers salvation to those who deserve it.
I am working very hard to stop putting people in categories as deserving or not deserving of me. I am trying to not deem a person as entirely good or evil.
Yes, people make bad choices. Yes, I do not agree with everyone all of the time. But it is time for me to stop writing people off because of one part of them.
I want to see the whole person. Then, I can see the deserving part. The hurting part. The beautiful part.
I am not always deserving. I don’t always have it together. I am not always beautiful. I make bad choices. I do things others don’t approve of. Yet, I am included in Titus under all people. God has not written me off. It is time for me to stop writing people off.
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