Let Your Voice Be Heard

2 Corinthians

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:8 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sister, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.

A friend recently posted one of those “please read me then copy and post to your page and leave me a note when you are done” on Facebook. Now, I am not necessarily one of those people who go around doing this all of the time, but this particular one hit me. I had just read 2 Corinthians and verse mapped 2 Corinthians 1:8. This facebook post struck my heart.

“Some thoughts as we enter the holiday season. It is important to remember that not everyone is surrounded by large wonderful families. Some of us have problems during the holidays and some of us are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. And many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring, loving thoughts right now. May I ask my friends, wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste and post this status to give a moment of support for all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know someone will! I did it for a friend and you can too!!”

When I read this, I was once again reminded it is OK to not be OK, even during holidays. Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving in America. It can be a trying time for some people. I know several families who have just lost a loved one. I also know many families who have stopped seeing each other because of a fight. I have an aunt who will be spending the holiday in the hospital. There are numerous reasons to not be thankful today.

The one thing we need to do as we begin to enter the holiday season is to remember not everyone is so joyous. If that person is you, please use your voice. Let your emotions be heard. Don’t bottle up, put on the happy face, and see your way through it, yet again.

We do not have to be ashamed of reaching the pit of despair, even to the point of suicidal thoughts (despaired life itself).  Life is tough. We are troubled and under great pressure, sometimes far beyond our ability. However, we have hope and faith in God to see us through. When we come through, it is our voice that will help others get through their journeys. It is our duty to not shut up and hide our past. It is our past that will shine the light brightly and lead others to God.

Remember our past helps make us, but it does not define us. Even chocolate cake was once just eggs, butter, and flour, but oh boy, how good is it now!


Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

The Weary Will Prevail

Proverbs 30

Key Verse: Proverbs 30:1 I am weary, God, but I can prevail. (NIV)

How many times has someone asked you how you are doing and you reply, “Fine” when you want to say, “Awful”? I have often referred to this as being a Pollyanna.  Pollyanna is the main character in the novel Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter and the Disney movie about a girl who always played the glad game. Her father, a missionary, taught her the game one Christmas when instead of getting a doll, she received a pair of crutches from a missionary box. He said you must always look at things and find the good in them. For me, to be a Pollyanna means always pretending everything is okay.

I am not saying we should not look for the good in things. However, as one of my favorite authors, Sheila Walsh, points out, “It is Okay to not be Okay.”

In Proverbs 30, Agur, the author has a great response, I am weary God, but I can prevail (30:1). What he meant is how we often feel as Christians. Yeah, I am not so great today but I am going to keep moving on. By faith and hope, I will look to a better day. Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

Proverbs 3:17 says God’s wisdom will take us to pleasant ways and all her paths are peace. I am fond of saying, this doesn’t mean a life filled with unicorns and rainbows. This means assurance in those times of weariness that you will prevail.

The peace God offers is beyond understanding (Philippians 4:7). It is a peace that is propped up by faith and hope. It is a peace that says, “Today I am weary God but I will prevail.”


Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Christians Practice What You Preach

1 Peter 4

Key Verse: 1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply because loves covers over a multitude of sins.

Christianity is not a restaurant and the bible is not a menu. You don’t get to pick and choose what you want and when you want it. You can’t choose one verse to judge or condemn someone and then another to set you free.

You have no right to hate anyone for any reason. You have a right to disagree. You have a right to not participate. you even have the right to an opinion. You DO NOT have a right to not love one another (1 Peter 4:8), not to offer hospitality to one another (1 Peter 4:9), or not offer grace to one another (1 Peter 4:10).

Jesus didn’t just hang with other Christians and shun everyone else. As a matter of fact, the only people he shunned and rebuked were the hypocritical, holier than thou, religious leaders. Read that again! THE. RELIGIOUS. LEADERS.

Wow! Hold the bus! You mean Jesus didn’t go around hating on the sinners? Nope! He hung out with them. He loved them. He showed them what being a Christian was supposed to look like, LOVE not hypocrisy!

There is a good reason the story of the woman brought to him by those so-called “religious leaders” is in the gospel of John (8:1-11). They came to ask him to condemn her. He chose to teach them a lesson on grace, love, and forgiveness.

We have been on both sides of the fence in this story. We have been the woman so ashamed we thought for sure even Jesus himself would turn his back on us. We have also been the religious leaders, poised with a stone high above our heads ready to pounce and judge someone else.

Jesus offered grace, love, and forgiveness to the woman. He also offered it to the religious leaders. He gave them a chance to walk away from their lives. He told them to go ahead, throw that stone, but you better be darn sure you have no issues in your life because you will be next. However, walk away now, recognize your own faults and grace, love, and forgiveness are yours also.

Where do you stand today? Are you going to throw that stone or are you going to accept your own need for grace, love, and forgiveness? The best way to receive it is to offer it yourself.


A Life Full of Rainbows and Unicorns

Psalms 30

Key Verse: Psalms 30:1-3 I will exalt you, Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead; you spared me from going down to the pit.

This week I faced a death in our church family. Although I know all of the Christian sayings like, “Well, at least she is in no more pain” or “She is in a better place,” they bring little comfort when you are missing someone. It may seem or feel selfish to miss someone but it is a reality. Our hearts ache!

We are children of God, yes (John 1:12)! We are chosen of God, holy and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4), yes! We are a member of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession (1 Peter 2:5), yes! We are NOT immune to pain and suffering.

David points out that in these times of troubles when we feel like God is not listening and has hidden his face from us (Psalm 30:7), or has abandoned us, there is still hope. “For his anger only lasts a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” (verse 5).

To overcome our sorrows and tragedies, we must do what we were made for, “Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name” (Psalm 30:4). Maybe not right now, but eventually, by staying the course and walking through our pains and turmoil, we will be able to sing right along with David. “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever” (verses 11 & 12).

God never promised us a life full of rainbows and unicorns. As long as sin separates the world from God, Christians will face tragedy, heartbreak, depression, and anxiety. However, we should not just sit around and mope. We must continue to pray and have hope because God will continue to show us favor with his grace. He will see us through anything we face in life.

Overwhelmed with Troubles, Near Death, in a Pit, without Strength.

Hebrew 11:1
Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

In the throes of depression, anxiety or even a PTSD attack, I feel alone. I feel I am in the pit. I am surrounded by darkness.

Yet, in this darkness that is full of evil, sadness, hatred, anger a sweet sickening voice calls out softly. It pretends to be my friend. It pretends to understand. It pretends to comfort me. It says things like…

Life is so hard. Your life is a struggle. It just isn’t worth it. Just give in. You are so tired. It would e easier if you just give up. You don’t want to fight anymore. You can’t fight anymore. Everyone else would be so much better without you in their lives. That is what you really want. you are a selfless, loving person. You want what is best for them. So go ahead. Do what is best for them.

In the pit, I feel like Psalms 88:3-4

I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death. I am counted among those who go down to the pit. I am like one without strength.

Yes, I am overwhelmed with troubles, near death, in a pit, without strength.

But, wait! These words are in God’s word. God knows where I am. God knows what I am feeling. He used the exact words I am feeling. He even knows I feel like I am crying out to Him and He is rejecting me (Ps 88:14).

He has also provided a magic word to see me through the pit. There is one word, just five little letters long, that will see me out of this pit. That word is FAITH!

The writer of Hebrews us in chapter 11 verse 1 said,

Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

So, where does this leave me in my pit of despair? It leaves me confident that as I hope for God to save me and assurance that even though I don’t see Him right now He is there.


Pick Your Battles​​

Deuteronomy 2: 19 & 24
   19. Do not harass them or provoke them to war.
   24. Begin to take possession of it and engage them in battle.

You may have heard the saying, “Pick your battles.” It is so true when raising kids or in any kind of relationship. There are some things that just aren’t worth the fight.

Then there are those times when you don’t need to be in battle at all. There are lots of attacks around you that if you tried to go into battle, on your own, you would lose! These are battles God did not intend for you to take on. They may be something like a co-worker who seems out to get you, or a supervisor who hates you. If you fight back, you look like the bad guy.

Then there are battles God says, “Go Get’em, Tiger! This is your battle and your victory! I will deliver this battle to you!”

The key to the battle is listening for God to tell you, “CHARGE!” Don’t rush in and try to fight on your own. Sometimes, you may not fight at all because it is not your battle. Sometimes God may do all the fighting for you. Other times, it may not be the right time for the battle.

Kind of reminds me of the old Kenny Rogers song, The Gambler

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done

No matter what the circumstances, you need to let God Pick Your Battle!


Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Attitudes and Behaviors

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

I supervise candidates who want to become special education teachers. When I have to go in and observe them they are nervous. They always worry about…

What if the kids don’t behave?
What they aren’t engaged?
What if they refuse to cooperate?

I remind them I am not observing their students. I am observing them. They are not in control of the students’ actions. They can teach the perfect lesson. They can have the perfect behavior management plan. They can have the perfect classroom routines. However, their students still have total control over their attitudes and behaviors. I am there to see how my student teachers react to the behaviors.

God is the perfect parent. He gave us a perfect world. However, Adam and Eve were in control of their behavior and attitude. Where did that get them? They made their choices. It was all on their heads (and hearts).

So, what about us? Our circumstances are not always our doing. We cannot always control them. However, we can always control how we handle them. We have control over two very important things…our attitude and our behavior.

It really is OK when our world is crumbling around us. We don’t have to keep it all together. No, WE can’t keep it all together. Only God himself can juggle all the situations swirling around us. What WE control is our attitude and behavior in the midst of the storm.

Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

The KEY of Power

Revelations 1:18
I am the LIVING ONE: I was dead and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

I held the small cold metal in my hand. I turned it over and over, running my finger down its jagged edge. It was mine. All mine! My parents had trusted me with a key to the house! Wow! What a huge responsibility. They must have thought I was quite grown up!

A few years later, another key was placed in my hand. This one to a 1966 Ford Mustang. I was sixteen years old and just passed my driver’s license test. My dad and mom bought me a car. Wow! What a huge responsibility! What power! It was all mine!

Next came the key to my first apartment, then several rental places. One beautiful, magical day came a few years ago. The realtor said, “Congratulations! It is all yours! Here are your keys!” My first home. It was amazing. It was a huge responsibility! It was powerful!

There is just something about holding keys to something, whether it is a car, apartment, or a house. It means you own a part of something. It is YOUR car or YOUR home! You are not just along for the ride or staying somewhere.

My friends, I want to remind you something. Satan tries to convince us he is this all big and powerful being. He tries to manipulate and deceive us with his lies of power and grandeur. However, he doesn’t even have the keys to his own home! It clearly states in Revelations 1:18 that Jesus holds the keys to death and hell. He isn’t even important enough to have a key to his own home.

Satan has no control! He even had to ask permission to torment Job (Job 1:6-12)! He is not a big, bad all powerful being. He does not have any control over you. He cannot touch you without God’s knowledge. He doesn’t even hold the keys to his own home. He holds NOTHING over us. Shoot he can’t even blackmail us because God knows everything we have done and is waiting and willing to forgive at any moment.

Live today with your head held high! The next time Satan comes around bothering you, just remind him, he doesn’t even own the keys to his own home!


Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Stop It! You Are Not Going to Die!

Judges 6:23
But the LORD said to him, “Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.”

“Oh, stop! You are not going to die!”

I am not sure how many times I heard this growing up or how many times I have said it myself to my own kiddos. It is a rather popular phrase to throw out when someone is overreacting. 

These words jumped out at me recently when I was reading the story of Gideon in Judges chapter 6.  I stopped and giggled.  Yep! Even, an Angel of the LORD used this phrase!

Now, I am not so sure this Angel had the hands on the hips, head cocked, eyes rolled and loud sigh when he said these words to Gideon. However, I sure heard it that way when I read it. Then I stopped and wondered just how many times had God spoke those words over me?

How many times had I once again turned a mole hill into a mountain? Now, I am not talking real problems here. I am talking those little things that you just let your imagination run with and now the world is coming to an end. The sky is not falling chicken little!

I can hear God telling me, “You are not going to die!” As a matter of fact, a frequent phrase I hear is, “Are you done yet! You are not going to die!” When that thought enters my head, I draw my bottom lip back in, suck up the snot bubble, wipe my eyes and reply, “Yes LORD, I am finished. What do I do now?”

You see, I hear these words when I have been trying to work out my issue on my own. I have not turned to God. Instead, I decided I was big enough to solve this problem all by myself. In simple words, I. Have. Messed. Things. Up! Now I am slinking over to my corner to lick my wounds wondering why everyone is out to get me.

It is in that moment, my wonderful Heavenly Father leans down and quietly says, “Are you ready for some help now? If so, let’s get you cleaned up and walking in the right direction again. Now, pull it together sweetheart, you aren’t going to die. We can make this right. Don’t be afraid, I am going to be right here with you.”

I will never be too old to mess up and I will never be too old to hear these loving words!


Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Be a Helper Not a Hater

Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

I remember a scene, in the first Harry Potter movie, where Harry, Ron, and Hermione went searching for the sorcerer’s stone. They had to get past several barriers placed along the way to get to it.

Each barrier seemed to play into one character’s skill set. The first one was a man eating plant. Hermione used her cleverness and remembered studying about it in class. She was able to defeat it and the trio moved on to the next spot.

This brought our heroes to a room full of flying keys and a locked exit door. Seeing a broom, Harry quickly figured he could use his excellent seeker skills from quidditch to catch the key. It took very little effort on his part and they were soon off to the next adventure. 

A giant game of Wizards Chess was set up in the next room. It was no question at all as to who would defeat this puzzle. Ron was an expert at the game and used his skill set to move Harry on to find the stone.

Each person brought his or her skill set to solve a problem together. We as Christians are also gifted different skills. It is when we stop competing with each other and learn to work together that we grow and move on. 

We have to learn that no one can ever be us! I am who I am. I am the best me that can be me. I am unique. I have my own set of strengths and weaknesses. Instead of trying to be like someone else, I need to use my skill sets to help others. Then, when I need help I need to humbly ask for it.

We were never meant to travel through life alone. We were always meant to partner with each other and help each other. We have been called to carry each other’s burdens, and in this way  you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

Helping hand


Copyright © 2018 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.