2 Timothy 2:11-13
11 This is a sure thing: If we die with him, we’ll live with him; 12 If we stick it out with him, we’ll rule with him; If we turn our backs on him, he’ll turn his back on us; 13 If we give up on him, he does not give up— for there’s no way he can be false to himself. (MSG)

What is the difference between giving up and turning you back on someone? I read today’s verses and that is the first thing that came to my mind. Here is what I came up with. . .
If you turn you back on someone (or deny them) it is often temporary. You just walk away, but you don’t deny they exist. You may still see them, talk to them, or even think about them. However, you do not want anything to do with them at that time and you certainly will not help them out right then.
If you give up on someone (or loose faith), you are finished. You walk away forever or at least until you gain faith in them again. You have no hope in them. You walk around as if they don’t exist.
So you see, if turn or back on or deny God, He is prepared to deny us as well. He will walk away and leave us be until we are ready to turn back around. What He won’t do is give up on or lose faith in us. He will never give up on us. He will always be there waiting for us. He loves us way too much to do that. How much do you love Him?

Lord thank You for never giving up on me. ~amen
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