Luke 18:16
Jesus… said, “Let the little children come to me.”

As a kid, I loved watching The Smurfs. Yes, I know I dated myself. One of my favorite parts was when they would go somewhere together and the Smurfs would keep asking Papa Smurf, “How much farther?” It is just like that child in the back of the car who keeps asking, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” I am often that Smurf or Child with God.
Here is the thing with that thought, it is child-like faith. It does not mean I lack faith. It does not mean I do not believe God is who He says He is or will do what He says He will do. No, it is just the opposite. I totally believe God is going to see me through my time of wilderness. If I didn’t I would just give up and walk the other way. Instead, I am following God all along. I am trusting Him to get me where I need to be. So, I am going to keep asking Him, “Are we there yet?” Then I am going to thank Him for not getting annoyed with me.

Lord, thank you for not being annoyed with me when I keep asking, “Are we there yet?”
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