Deuteronomy 5:1
Here, Israel, the decrease in laws. I declare in your hearing today, learn them, and be sure to follow them.

Can you imagine a world without any laws? Yeah, I know it may seem a little fun when you think about it. I mean you could drive down the road whatever speed you want. Here lies the problem, so can everyone else. I don’t know about you, but even with the law and the speed limits, road rage can get the best of me sometimes.
What about mom telling you that you may have one cookie? However, you manage to sneak and eat ten! No judgment here, we have all ate or drank in excess. What are you left with? Yep, a stomach ache.
God’s boundaries are not set to make us feel caged. They are set to make us feel safe. They are also simple, love God and love others. God’s boundary is love. When you put love first everything else falls in place. I wish the whole world put love in their laws.

Lord, thank You for Your boundaries You have set. Sometimes I press them and even run right over them. Thank You for bringing me right back to safety when I fail. ~amen
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