
Psalms 90:2

Before the mountains were born

or you brought forth the whole world,

from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

Welcome to my pity party. I almost didn’t write today. As a matter of fact, I am actually writing this at 11:22 pm, so I really may not make it today. I am struggling guys. This living in AIRBNBs while searching for a home is really starting to strain me to my end. My husband doesn’t make enough for us to find a nice little home in a decent neighborhood. I can’t get a job until we know where we are going to live. There is a rather large parameter around where we can live from where my husband works. If I picked one area to work, I could potentially have an hour drive every day if we found a home in one of the other towns.

Add to that homes are just hard to come by in general right now. We have looked for townhomes or apartments as well but we just can’t seem to find anything. I am thankful for the AIRBNBs but they are not home.

I am hanging on to God with all I have. I know He is in control. I know He knows exactly where we are and what we need. I know He brought forth the entire world, so He can find us a home.  I just need to wait. I need to get up every morning and keep walking one-foot infant of the other. I also need to keep reading this every morning to convince myself to do just that!

Lord, I am struggling today. I am coming unraveled. I am depending on You to grab me tight and keep me from falling completely apart. ~amen


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