Habakkuk 3:19
The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.

Another great verse today to remind me that with God I can face anything! It is His strength that keeps me stable in the rockiest of terrain.
Have you ever seen a deer run through the forest? Being from the Midwest, I have had that pleasure many times. They take off lickety-split. Their eyes are up and straightforward the entire time. They are not looking at their feet and trying to decide where to step. God made them sure-footed.
I am not telling you to not beware of where your feet may wander off the path. I am telling you when God is leading, you have no fear of where you are going. He has made you as sure-footed as the deer.
My life seems upside down and inside out right now. I really have no idea what is coming next. I can only keep taking one step at a time. My hope is in God. He has led us to this new place and He is not going to drop us off and go His merry little way. He has plans for us. He also has every single step mapped out. It may seem like rugged terrain, but He is giving me the feet of the deer and I will tread on high places! How abt you? Are you ready to step out with me?

Lord, I trust You! ~men
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