Isaiah 25:1
Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

Nothing surprises God! You can’t pull a fast one on Him. He never says. “Well, I didn’t see that one coming.” Satan can’t just hit Him out of the blue. He sees what is around the corner. He can see the forest AND the tree. The puzzle falls out of the box all put together. Oh, and don’t ever challenge Him to a game of Tetris. . . LOL! How comforting are all of these statements?
I can be a rather anxious person. OK to all my family members and friends, stop laughing! The truth is patience is most defiantly NOT my middle name. I like to know everything! I hate being left out of the loop. I feel overwhelmed when I have to make decisions and don’t have all the information. As a matter of fact, I am always on the search for the facts. I love to read and watch mysteries. I love being a teacher and trying to figure out how a student learns or why they behave the way they do. So when God sets me in a sensory deprivation spot, I go crazy!
So, when my world starts spinning out of control, I have to rely on Isaiah 25:1. I have to remember God knows it all. He has plans for it all. I have to let go and let God. He has all the facts He needs to make any decision that is best for me.

Lord, thank You for always having the facts and making the right decisions for me. ~amen
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