Under Construction

2 Corinthians 4:16

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

Right now we are living in a war zone called renovation world. We couldn’t afford to stay somewhere else while dust flies everywhere and pounding reverberates in my sleep from hearing it all day long. However, with every pound and dust particle, I know we are one step closer to finishing the project.

After reading today’s verse from my women’s bible study, I wondered if God ever looks at me and feels the same way. Does He look down and shake His head while trials pound away at me? Does He cringe as the dust settles around in every crevice knowing that we are going to have a lot of work to do cleaning all of this up? Then does He smile as He looks and notices the smooth finish that is left behind from all that sanding, sawing, and hammering and smile? Does He think, “Aww, my child, we are one step closer to My desired outcome”? I would like to hope so.

I think we are all under construction. Some days may seem like they require a bigger hammer, but I promise with each pounding you are closer to the desired outcome. The dust will eventually settle and clean-up will begin. You will be left with a beautiful piece of work.

Lord, get me through the construction so I can enjoy the beautiful piece of work You are creating in me. ~amen


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