Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.

We have dementia in our family. To be totally honest, it scares me to death. I was even tested a couple of years back for memory issues only to find out it was stress related. Seriously, stress does a lot of things but who knew it could cause you to lose your memory? Now, when I am not eating, sleeping, and exercising as I should I can honestly see a huge difference. I can also tell when I am stressing out. I will be in the middle of sentences and forget common words like house. I have been known to be a couple of blocks from my home and call my husband crying because I have no idea how to get there. Yes, it is scary, but I have a hand to hold when the fear sets in.
I trust in God. Although my memory may not snap right back, I can rest assured that God sees me. He knows where I am and He knows what I am going through. I can find peace if I only keep my mind steadfast on Him.
Yes, I still get frustrated and scared, but I don’t have to live in that state. I can choose to look up and say, “God my memory is failing me again. Help!” You know He always sends the right person to help me. I am no longer ashamed or feel stupid. Believe me, that is real peace right there!

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