From Victim to Victor

Proverbs 14:22

Do not those who plot evil go astray?
But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.

Who is more important in your life? Do you turn to your friends and loved ones or that person who is a thorn in your side? Who is always there for you? Who sticks by your side through thick and thin? Who will be with you years from now and still be a prominent part of your life? Who will fade away, even if they don’t go away the pain and issues lessen over time?

Now, let’s talk about our responsibility specifically. How can you make these feelings go away? When you are in the middle of pain and even anger, how do you survive? You may not like the answer. Instead of praying that the other person goes away, changes, or heaven forbid stricken down with a bolt of lightning, pray that God will change you. Yes, you read that correctly. I know the other person is causing all the issues, but you are the one in control. You have two choices. You can stay enslaved to the evil plotting against that person or you can let it go and find the love and faithfulness God has to help you get through it.

You will be amazed what letting go does for you. It really is freeing. You can look at that person and say to yourself I really don’t care. When you do that, you stop playing the victim in the story and become the victor! So, let those evil plots go away. Let God crown you with His love and faithfulness. Hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”

Lord, I am letting go! I am done being the victim. I want to be the victor! ~amen

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