Growing Is Painful

Ephesians 4:29

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Does unwholesome talk mean we can’t say anything because it may offend someone? I don’t think so because of the second part of that verse that seems to get overlooked. We are to use words that are “helpful for building others up according to their needs, that may benefit those who listen.” We must choose our words wisely but it doesn’t mean we are only to spout rainbows and unicorns. We are not to only tell people what they want to hear. We are not to tickle their egos. No, we must help build them up which means encourage them to grow and become better.

What makes you grow? What makes a plant grow? It has to fight and struggle to break through the ground. What about a butterfly fighting its way out of a cocoon?

Let’s talk sports for a minute. Do you think all those famous players spend their days at parties, driving those fancy cars, and lying around those beautiful homes? NO! To be their best they must practice hard. They battle other teams. So, why do you think you or anyone else can be given everything just because you are breathing?

News flash we are not ENTITLED to anything. Sometimes, we even deserve to have our toes stepped on in order to learn how to grow and become better. Yes, we need encouragement to keep going, but we also need the building up by showing us where we need to work. So, don’t get offended, get encouraged!

Lord, I know I can’t always hear how well I am doing. I also need to hear where I need to work in order to grow. ~amen

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