2 Timothy 1:7
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

I love this verse in 2 Timothy. It is quite often a go-to verse when I am feeling fearful. That is because I like to never get past the timid, powerful, and love part. Hey no judging here if you are in the same boat. Who really wants to deal with that self-discipline one? I am sure we would all love to magically have self-discipline. Of course that would put the diet industry out of business . . . LOL!
I want to take a look at why I turn to this verse. I recite it when I am afraid. I say it to remind myself that God has given me what I need to face the situation. Notice I said when I am afraid. This verse is a tool. God is saying I have what you need when you find yourself lacking. Yes, that even means that bad habit you seem to fall into time and time again. When you find yourself falling, God is there with self-discipline. It is just like when I find myself afraid, I can turn to this verse to remind myself I don’t have to be.
So when I am trying to improve my health and just feel weak, I can turn to this verse to remind myself God has got me there too! Isn’t it great God never expects us to be perfect? He has us covered!

Lord, thank You for giving me power, love, and self-discipline when I am weak. ~amen
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