Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Where is your town built? How is your lighting system? If a stranger walked with you today would they know you are a Christian? If paparazzi were sneaking around you what would they see and report?
Look, none of us are perfect all of the time. If we were, we wouldn’t need grace. But can someone actually tell that you are different than the world around you? Are you that person people reach out to when they need a prayer request? Yes, even those that don’t believe. Have you ever experienced people hesitate or apologize for saying certain things around you because they know you are a Christian?
Listen, your light should not be blinding people. That just won’t do. Seriously, have you ever tried to see something with a light shining in your eyes really bright? You can’t find that next step! No, instead your light should be guiding people by shining on that next step.
Don’t worry it isn’t too late to do some work on your town. Call the ultimate contractor. God will help you renovate with His awesome crew. Jesus is the ultimate power company. He will get those lights burning bright, and the Holy Spirit has all the tools you need to build on the highest of hills. What are you waiting for? The blueprints are already laid out before you! Get that hard hat and tool belt on! Let’s get started!

Lord, help me with my renovations. I want that house on a hill with the beautiful lights that shine leading the way to You! ~amen
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