Isaiah 9:2
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.

You don’t have to struggle with depression to know what it is like to be in a dark space. I think we have all felt that lonely, lack of being in control struggle at some point. You have felt that darkness all around you and probably struggled to get out, only to find yourself trapped even more. It is like a quicksand slowly enveloping you until you can’t breathe anymore.
Sorry, to be so graphic today, but my last week was one of those weeks. I am sorry that I couldn’t even find the strength to write my blogs. Last night, I woke up and picked up my iPad to find this verse in Isaiah. It reminded me that I am not alone and the light is there. I need to quit struggling with the darkness and look for the light. At first, it may seem dim and far away, but if you keep your eye on it it will grow in intensity. Soon it will flood the dark and encompass you.
Sometimes all the problems will go away. Other times, the light will guide you through them. One thing I know for sure is if you are looking for the light, you can’t concentrate on the darkness. When you don’t concentrate on the darkness, it takes its power away. If you are sitting in the dark today, reach out your hand I will be happy to hold it. We can look for the light together. See, it is right there in front of us!

Lord, shine Your light brightly. I need to see you now. ~amen