John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Knowledge is a powerful thing! Knowing what is going to happen before it happens is a wish of many people. If it weren’t, psychics would fade away and no one would publish horoscopes anymore. Before you ask, I am not a fan of either of them. However, what if I could tell you a part of your future? What if I could give you a small glance? No, I am not a psychic, but I have read the Bible!
John 16:33 tells us something we all should remember. We will have trouble. It is inevitable. Nothing can stop it from coming. The issue is will you see it for what it is? Will you be able to stop in the middle of your pain and anger and realize this is an attack? It isn’t the circumstance or the people around you who are actually causing all the issues. It is straight from the evil around you. That is where the anger, pain, sorrow, and all the other emotions are coming.
So, what do you do? You stop and face the actual trouble. Then you take heart because you know how to get through it. You have the secret to success. You have the peace of God that will see you through it all. You have Jesus who came and overcame the world. Then you look Satan straight in the eyes and remind him, he has no power over you anymore!

Lord, I don’t need a crystal ball. I know what is coming and who is causing it. More importantly, because of you, I know how to defeat it! ~amen
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