
2 Corinthians 3:6

He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

You are competent! Let me say that again. YOU ARE COMPETENT. Now, I want you to repeat that several times in your own head. Heck, say it out loud and proud. Don’t let Satan convince you otherwise. Don’t let him tell you that you have screwed up one too many times and God does not want you. THIS IS JUST NOT TRUE!

There is a reason we fall under the Spirit and not the letter, meaning the laws of the Old Testament. It is because we now have grace to cover our mistakes. To be under the Spirit means we follow two simple laws instead of the original ten. We love God with all our hearts, minds, and spirits. We love others as ourselves. Read those two again. Do you realize if you follow those, you will not commit the other ten?

The Old Testament was filled with rules of what not to do. The New Testament is filled with the map on how to not break those rules and grace when we get off the beaten path. You are competent to read the map and you have the Holy Spirit to be your GPS when you need a little, “Recalculating”!

Lord, in you I am made competent and I will follow the Spirit where He leads. ~amen

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