Numbers 6:25
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

As we wind up November, this verse in Numbers hit me. If you have been around my blog for a while you have no doubt seen me pray Numbers 6:24-26 over all of you before. Today, I still pray it over you, but I want to talk about verse 25.
We look at the season of Christmas as being all decorated with joy and hope. However, for many people, it can also be the season of frustration, depression, and hurt. Even those of us with all that hope and joy can quickly become overwhelmed with all the holiday festivities. If ever there is a time to take a moment and pray that the Lord make his face shine on you, it is now.
Perhaps this is a verse that you can stick away and pray over people as you see them hurting in the stores or on the streets. Instead of getting frustrated with others and using angry words (out your mouth or in your head), you can whip this blessing out.
Of course, I am going to end this blog with a simple, “May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you all through this holiday season.”

Lord, shine on those who need You close today. ~amen
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