Don’t Panic!

Psalms 34:4

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Anxiety and panic attacks are not fun! They are perceived fears with no real threat around you. I hate saying it that way. What I am saying is this is not a grizzly chasing you down kind of fear. The fear in your head is absolutely real, but the reason for the fear is irrational. However, it will stop you in your tracks!

Guess what? God is bigger than your fear. He can, wants to, and will deliver you from your fears. Now, I want you to know that I am in no way suggesting you should stop getting help or taking any meds you take, if you do, for this issue. Heck, that just may be the way God is helping deliver you from your fears. I am saying Seek God. He is right there to get you through.

The number one way to get through a panic attack is to focus on something else. If you seek God, your mind is focused on the best thing ever. That focus breaks the hold the fear has on you. Once again, God proves He is bigger than the Boogieman.

Lord, I am grateful You are so much bigger than my fears. I want to keep my focus on you. ~amen

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