Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

I will start with a very grateful heart today. I thank you for all the kind thoughts, comments, and prayers I received. For you to take the time to help carry my burden is humbling. Your love was felt.
An update on me. It was not an eye infection. I seem to have a rather nasty sinus infection. For me, that means high doses of antibiotics and taking away my immune suppressants. That equals a hot mess and just plain YUCKY for the next week or so. Satan tried laughing somewhere I am sure. He thinks he got me out of the game and sidelined for a while. However, as my meme above says, “The Devil saw me with my head down and thought he’d won until I said, ‘Amen.’”
I may not always get my blog done on time or even finished in the week to come. However, you can guarantee my prayers for all of you will not stop. I may not know your name or burden, but the Holy Spirit does and he will take my words and enter your information, straight to God. I will help you carry your burdens, and this way fulfill the law of Christ. Now please do this for each other and fulfill the law of Christ as well!

Lord, I pray for my brothers and sisters today and every single day. You know each of their names and burdens. I stand with them all today and every day. In this way, we all fulfill the law of Christ. ~amen
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