
Ephesians 4:29

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Oh my gosh! I was struggling today trying to figure out what God wanted me to write about. This verse popped up. At first, I brushed it off. I thought that verse is so overdone. We all know we are supposed to be nice and keep our speech wholesome. What in the world new could the Lord want me to write about? Then it hit me! Four words raised off the page in flashing neon, ‘according to their needs’.

I have never really READ those four words. I have skimmed over them. I have just read through the verse. Those words stuck out at me today though. How many times do we give advice to help build others up to what we think they should be? How many times do we offer our wisdom and guidance and try to be helpful all the while trying to mold a person to our opinions? We think we are right and that things should be done our way. I am so guilty of that one.

We have to remember the point of using our words to build someone up is to build them according to God’s plans. He is the grand architect of each person. We must not only speak wholesome and kind words but words that God has given to meet that person’s needs.

Lord, I will work on giving kind words and look to You for the right words to build up others around me. ~amen

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