Mark 8:35
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.

The tighter you hand on to something, the more you risk crushing it and losing it forever. I could give you about a million idioms about this idea. However, I think Mark 8:38 points to it best. You can’t hang on to all your old life and remain in Christ. In order to gain your new life, you must let go of the old one.
How about I throw this phrase at you, “I did it my way” (Frank Sinatra). Nice thought but ignoring God’s way and going through life doing everything your way isn’t going to get you very far. I am sure it isn’t going to get you what you are looking for like joy, peace, hope, and love.
I am guilty of getting impatient and going ahead and doing things my way. When I find myself stuck and not in a good place, I am sure I hear God say, “Are you done yet? Now can we try it My way?” With tail tucked and head hanging, I reply, “Yes.”
The moral of the story is if you want to save your time, oh, and your life, don’t try to do it your way. Change to words to your song, “I did it God’s way!”

Lord, I want to do it Your way. ~amen
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