Psalms 112:5
Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.

I wonder how many people would raise their hand if I asked have you heard someone say, “The bible says neither a lender nor barrow shall ye be”? Did you just raise yours? Well, I challenge you to find that in the bible. Go ahead and google it. The actual quote comes from Act 1 Scene 3 of Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet.
In all fairness to the Bard, he may have been trying to very loosely translate Proverbs 22:7 which states, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Did I mention this was a VERY LOOSE translation? You see, it never says to not lend in the bible. It says to be wise with your lending and borrowing. Like today’s verse in Psalms, it also says to be generous and just.
Lending time, resources, and money to others is not a bad thing. However, when you do, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Make sure your heart is in it. Do not be like the rich ruler and hold it over the poor. Lending is not a place of power. It is a place of generosity. I have been on both sides of that coin, a lender and a borrower. We were meant to share in this life and when done fairly and justly it is a wonderful gift!

Lord, thank You for those who have helped me in the past. Thank you also for allowing me to pass it on to others when they needed help. ~amen
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