Philippians 2:13
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

Have you ever had to ask God to make you willing to be willing? I have! Yep, there are things that I know I need to do, but my heart is just not in it. There are people I need to forgive that sometimes it is just too hard for me. There are places I need to go, but I am just way too frightened to even think about it. When I find myself in those situations, I know I can’t just ignore them. I know I can’t even go or do them when my heart isn’t in it. I have to step back and ask God to help me be willing to be willing.
When God calls you to do things, it is not sinful to feel like you can’t or even won’t. Those thoughts and ideas are always going to pop up. Please enter Satan’s evil laugh here! Yep, you guessed it. There is a pesky little thing that loves to pop those thoughts into your head. The thoughts are not sinful it is what you do with those thoughts that lead you to God’s purpose or Satan’s.
So, on those days when you are struggling to find your willingness, never fear. Your next step is to turn to God and ask Him to fill you with the willingness to be willing. That is the next step after all. From there, you will be able to fulfill His good purpose for you!

Lord, I am not always willing to do what You ask of me. However, I am always willing to take the next step which is to ask You to fill me with Your willingness to fulfill Your good purpose. ~amen
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