Psalms 119:7
7 I will praise you with an upright heart
as I learn your righteous laws.

“As I learn your righteous law” what beautiful words! My favorite word in there is ‘as’. Why would that be my favorite word? Thank you for asking! As simply means I don’t have it yet. It means I am working on it. God does not expect me to be perfect
We are human. Shocking I know. We are all making mistakes. That is OK. We are learning. If we became perfect the minute we became Christians we wouldn’t need God. We would not need grace. Jesus’ death would have been for nothing!
Even better news, we are all growing together. We are all making mistakes together. We can learn from each other and help each other. We can study God’s word together. We can just be there for each other.
However, to do this we need to put the judgments down. Take off the holier than attitudes. We need to quit looking down at others and start helping them up. Today’s meme is spot on. Be a real woman (or man) and straighten others’ crowns. Don’t tare them down. Help raise each other up! We are all learning God’s righteous law.
Lord, thank You for having patience with me. Help me transfer that patience and grace to others as we all learn together. ~amen

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