2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

I know there are many days I look to Heaven and ask, “Are you there God?” Patience is not a strength of mine. Sitting and waiting when I have a million, “But Lord, if you would only (Fill-in the blank), everything would be so much better.” Yep, I always have plans A through Z that I am sure God needs to hear. I mean He is so busy and all, I am sure He could use my advice on how to run the world. Are you laughing right now or gulping and thinking you do the same thing? Maybe you are doing a little bit of both. I know I am laughing at myself.
God, doesn’t ever not care or not answer us. Sometimes, we get a straight-up ‘No’. Other times, we may get the dreaded, ‘Wait’. What we don’t know always remember is God sees all the players on the field and knows how all the pieces work together. It is kind of like a friend said to me recently, “Give thanks in all things. A flat tire is an annoyance, but it could have kept you from a wreck…..thank you, Lord. You never know what the Lord blesses you with, or why.”
God is always on your side. God is always right on time. God always has the perfect answer. Now, if I can just remember that and quit offering up my strategies. I’ll work on it!

Lord, I am sorry for seeking my plans. I am learning to wait on You. Thank You for being patient with me even when I do not always return the favor. ~amen
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