Jeremiah 23:24
Who can hide in secret places
so that I cannot see them?”
declares the LORD.
“Do not I fill heaven and earth?”
declares the LORD.

God is not very good at playing hide and seek . . . LOL! Hmmm. . . maybe it is that He is too good. He always knows exactly where to find you!
Adam and Eve tried to hide their shame from God. Cain tried to hide from God. I could go on and on with names of people in the bible who tried to hide, but it didn’t work. You may think it is a bad thing to not be able to hide from God but is it? A perfect love will never have any secrets from each other. We as humans are incapable of doing that. How hard is it to confess something to someone who doesn’t know what happened? We don’t have that stress when we talk to God. He already knows. The best part is we also know He still loves us. There is no fear of Him turning away and hating you. All He wants to hear is the I am sorry part. Then all is forgiven and forgotten. He will never bring it up or throw it in your face again. He will never keep score.
So, is it really so bad to not be able to hide from God? Yes, we still feel shame and want to just crawl under a rock, but we don’t need to do that. God knows exactly what happened and when. He has no hard feelings towards you. He just wants you to run into His arms and cry it out. Then He wants to wipe your tears and send you out on your way again.

I sometimes feel ashamed and want to run, but I am so glad I can’t hide from You!
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