Did you God it?

Matthew 7:8
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

God is better than Google! My husband is always asking me questions and I will often say, “Did you google it?” Wait, I should explain, I only say that when I don’t know the answer. I really am not just being a pain. Today’s verse came from a women’s bible study. It made me think about my answer about googling things. I quickly realized how many times I have an issue and don’t immediately stop and pray about it. Instead, I either try to figure it out on my own or ask for advice from others. I think I am going to remind myself when I have a problem “Did you God it?”

This week I was blessed three times in really big ways. With all of those blessings came lots of prayers beforehand. Yes, I did ‘God it’ first! Now, I am not saying God is a genie in a bottle. I am not even saying God answered them in the way I requested . . . LOL! Oh, and I am not saying these were the only blessings this week. I am saying, I got answers to three large issues to me that I was faced with this week.

Sometimes God will answer with “No or wait.” Those aren’t easy answers, but they are answers. If you ask, seek, and knock you will get answers. When faced with anything, all you have to do is ‘God it’. He is just waiting for you to ask, seek, and knock.

I know where to find all my answers. Thank You, Lord! ~amen


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