Your Welfare

1 Peter 2:24
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

“He himself”, those words echo in my mind today. To me it means He chose, no one made Him do it. He bore our sins because He wanted to do it. No one forced Jesus to be beaten and hung on that cross. Oh, I am sure Satan, the soldiers, and Jewish leaders thought they were bringing it on, but there were just puppets in an elaborate story that began years ago. No, Jesus allowed this to happen to Him.

When you put Jesus’ motive into perspective how can your jaw not drop? How can you not think, “Wow! He did that for me.” You and I weren’t even born yet and He did that for us. He knew we were going to be sinners. He could have thought of His own safety and said, “Nope I cannot go through that pain and suffering for a bunch of people who don’t deserve it.” Instead, He loved you so much that He stepped up and put you first in His mind. He put your safety first. He did not want you to have to suffer that pain forever of death away from God.

Are you feeling the love? All of your wounds are healed. If you will your sins have been wiped away. Death has no hold on you anymore. Satan can’t touch you. All because Jesus put you first.

Lord, thank You for loving me enough to put my welfare first.

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