1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

A picture is worth a thousand words. I am sure we have all heard that one before. I am equally sure actions are greater than words is a popular saying. As a matter of fact, that phrase can be traced back to today’s verse. Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth1 John 3:18.
I can tell someone every single day that I love them, but if I treat them like trash it means nothing. If I demand things from them or impose impossible goals or tasks for them to complete, I am not showing love. To take it in another direction, if I go around telling them to their face that they are going to hell because dress, speak, or blow their nose on the first Tuesday of the month, I am not better than the abuser, cheater, or user who told them they love them.
You want to spread God’s love to people, serve them. Be God’s hands and feet. Be His arms and shoulders. Be His ears. People don’t need to be told how messed up their lives are today. They don’t need a bunch of religious rhetoric spouted at them. They need hugs to hold them. They need ears to listen to them. They need shoulders to cry on. People need love in action! They need God’s grace. Sound familiar? I am sure you need it too!

Lord, send me those who need love and show me how I need to show it to them. ~amen
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