Stand Down

Sometimes the greatest power you have to do something is to do nothing. We must learn to wait and restrain ourselves. Humble ourselves, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift us up in due time. “Due time” is a very humbling phrase when you want to run out and fix something. Just ask any Marvel comic book hero!

At the risk of reciting all of Ecclesiastics chapter 3, I will stick with the most common phrase, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”. We can’t just assume we know best and go barreling through to save the day. There are consequences to each and every action we make. We live in a broken world and there are always casualties. We never see the entire picture, but we serve someone who does.

When trouble arises around, our gut response should not be to swing into action without checking in for our orders. To get all the intel, we need to get it from the one who has it all. Most importantly, remember, sometimes your orders are to stand down and wait.

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