She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21 NIV

I am not sure why when I read this verse, I always read the last word as self instead of sins. I know I am my greatest enemy. I know the other verses in the bible that talk about fighting our flesh. I am my biggest critic, hater, persecutor, and any other nasty thing you can think of. I mean, let’s get real. There is nowhere I can go to get away from myself. I even have to take myself to the bathroom. . . LOL! The good news is, we don’t have to be our worst enemies.
Jesus came to pull us out from under all that beating ourselves up. We make mistakes, we own our mistakes and we move on with our lives. Jesus died so we could experience grace, not condemnation. All that forgiveness of others and loving them unconditionally goes for me too.
There seem to be a lot of regrets that come with this time of year. Cut yourself some slack. Give yourself some grace. Remember, Jesus came to save you from yourself!

Lord, thank You for being my best friend and reminding me to love myself. ~amen
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