John 5:17
But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.” (NLT)

Nope! I am not going to sleep! I refuse to close my eyes! You are probably thinking these are the words of a child. They aren’t. They are mine. My PTSD often leaves me with nights like this. Nights where I know if I close my eyes the ‘monsters’ will come. What if I don’t wake up this time? What if I get stuck there? I know this sounds strange to all of you blessed with a normal brain. However, am I really that far off your thoughts when something has you worried or upset?
It doesn’t matter if you are facing depression, anxiety, panic, PTSD, stress, worry, or fear we can all look at today’s verse for courage. We can rest in our fear because God is still working. He does not stop. This is the very idea we stand on when we hope for a better day. We know the Son always rises because God never stops working. So take a deep breath. Let go and fall. I promise God will catch you because He is always on duty!

Lord, I trust You. I am learning to let go and fall into Your arms. Thank You for being patient with me. ~ amen
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