James 3:18
Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

I hope you are ready for a real me today because that is what you are going to get. I am not in the mood to be a peacemaker. I in no way want to sow peace today. I am probably the last person who should be writing this blog about this subject. However, here I am learning right beside you.
I am guessing we all have these days. Days where we just want to yell and scream. We may be having a fight with someone and would really rather they disappear and leave you alone for awhile. Days where forgiveness is the farthest thing from your mind.
These are the days I have to hang on to God very tightly. I use Him as my sounding board. I scream and yell at Him. He has big shoulders. He will let me burn off my steam. This way, hopefully I can put myself in check and think straight. Eventually, I can offer forgiveness and ask for it. Peace will come again.

Lord, I want to be a peacemaker again. Thank You for being with me right now and helping me find my way. ~amen