Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”

When you are struggling or just having a rotten day, how wonderful is a smile? Those are simple rays of hope when you are in the middle of a tear filled day. That smile brings you good news, peace, good tidings, and salvation. That smile reminds you God still reigns, even in your pit. Sometimes that is the permission I need to just not be OK.
I know that probably sounds strange, but it is true. I fight with my depression. I fight to not even acknowledge that I am struggling. I attempt to plow on through. The problem is when I do that instead of accomplishing things I make a bigger mess. Those are the days, I need to take a deep breath and remember God still reigns. I can relax and quit trying to control everything.
Dark days happen to everyone. I am pretty sure we proved that in 2020! No one is ever immune to bad things happening to them. We Christians just have a hope we carry around with us to battle those days. We have a hope like no other. Our God Reigns! He is still in control

I thank you Lord that Your still reign Now I can just breathe! ~amen
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