Genesis 8:22
As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.

Have you ever heard someone say, “This too shall pass”? They always seem to mean well, but it really doesn’t help much. As a matter of fact, sometimes it comes across more like, grow up and move on! You don’t deserve a moment to be hurt, angry, or sad. Well first let me say, you do. Grieve, please take time and grieve. Then, when you are ready let’s take a look at the promise God gave us and the real meaning these people wish to convey.
Today’s verse aren’t saying there is no pain, or you will not encounter rotten times of your life. What it assures you is there is a time for everything and nothing stops time. So while you are valid in your emotional stress and you need to work through it, know you are going THROUGH it. There will be an end some day. For now though lean on God and grieve. He will hold you until your ready and can see the ‘Son’ shining again.

Lord thank you for walking me through my grief. ~amen
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