Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Today is my last day of work. My husband recently took a full time position that gave us medical benefits and I was able to retire early. Last night, I got a not so good shock. I went to balance my checkbook because I usually get paid the last of the month and pay all my bills on the first of the month. I was counting on this last check to pay September’s bills. We had used most of my husband’s check to pay off somethings. The check was not there and my paystub said 0.00. I began to panic. THEN, I remembered to pray. God reminded me to be thankful and He was in control.
You see God had already provided. I had more than enough to cover what I needed in my savings and we had received some money earlier than we expected from another source. So, yes I still need to find out what is going on with my check, but I had no reason to worry. God was on the case! I usually concentrate on the don’t be anxious part of this verse. I can say I won’t always be like this, but today, I am choosing to thankfully present my request to God!

Lord, thank You for always having a plan. ~Amen
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