Romans 6:12
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.

Most people live with this attitude of “You can’t make me!” We walk around with our inner two-year-old stomping and pouting. Sometimes that child gets out and we stomp and snort, jump up on our high horse or soapbox and spout off. I am thankful for this emotion when justice needs to be met. I am not so proud of it when I just want things my way.
There is one time in our Christian walk that we need to let the child fly free! Take your stand on AND against letting your sinful desires control you. Please bring on that full blown temper tantrum You fight for your God given rights and freedoms.
You are not a slave. You have been born into a royal priesthood! You are a child of a King, not a servant, not a friend, but a child. Start acting like it. Let that child out!

Lord, I am sorry for giving in to my sins. Thank you for giving me strength to fight them. ~ amen
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