Meditation isn’t just for Yoga

Joshua 1:8
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

I grew up thinking that meditation was some sort of eastern culture only. It was part of another religion and I should not be doing that! If you believe that, I am not here to step on your toes. I am here to remind you that God said to meditate on His word. The idea of meditation is not wrong. It is what you meditate on that becomes the issue.

With my PTSD and anxiety, taking a few minutes of the day to “reset” is very beneficial. I recently heard someone say meditations isn’t to find peace and quiet, it is to connect to what is already there. I feel the same way because when I stop to meditate I use the time to check in with God.

Yes, you read that correctly. I set still, close my eyes and breath deep and evenly. I begin to speak with God. I meditate on Him and His word. It is a way of tuning out the world and tuning in to Him. I will warn you. It isn’t easy. Satan will throw anything he can at you to stop you. To me that makes it all the more worth it though.

So, I hope you will excuse me! I am going to go hit my yoga matt. It is time to have a chat with God!

I want to thank your Lord for out quiet time together. ~Amen

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