Today’s Scripture…
1 John 4:4
4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
There have been many mountains in my life. I have found myself in situations, facing monsters, I thought I could never conquer. There was one truth that tide them all together. I prevailed. I may have not prevailed the way I thought I would or even really wanted to, but I made it through.
They key was relying on God to see me through. I had to move out of the way so God could do His thing. I had to remember, no matter what wall was in front of me, God was bigger. He would smash it, help me get around, find a door for me to walk through, or even toss me over it.
What I have learned over the years is when the enemy comes at me puffing out his chest, I just need to straighten my crown and remind him just who I am and who I belong to!
Lord, Thank you for making me your daughter. I know y]You are in me and You are so much bigger than any problem I face! ~amen

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