Today’s Scripture…
Matthew 14:19
19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.
If you are from the US, I hope today finds you with a fridge full of Thanksgiving leftovers. I know we didn’t get to celebrate quite like we usually do, but I hope you were able to share some love with your family somehow.
When Jesus shared these five loaves and two fish with the people, He fed more than their stomachs. Yes, feeding this many people was a miracle. No one can deny that, but the love He shared was worth so much more.
Mom’s turkey, Dad’s stuffing, Auntie’s casserole and Grandma’s rolls make a wonderful treat. We all have our favorites and can’t wait for Thanksgiving. This year I learned that those dishes don’t mean a lot without the loved ones around the table to enjoy them.
The food and leftovers are a miracle, but the love shared is so much more!
Lord, I thank you for the meal, but I am even more thankful for those I get to share it with. ~amen
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