Today’s Scripture…
Psalms 44:6-8
6 I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; 7 but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. 8 In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.
You may have heard the phrase, ‘don’t sweat the small stuff.’ I think we should add, ‘give praise for the small stuff.’
We are quick to realize and give thanks for the ‘big miracles’ in life. Do you ever stop and get excited about the everyday ones? Do you even notice them? Do you give yourself the credit for them or chalk them up to coincidence?
Let me tell you a little secret, it is perfectly OK to pray for a good hair day. Need a parking spot? Yep, pray! Need help finding your keys? Oh I have prayed for this one before! These are all things to give praise for today also, especially if you didn’t need to pray for them.
So, praise God for the small stuff and as the saying goes, ‘it is all small stuff!’
Lord, thank you for all the ways you touch my life every day! ~amen

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