Isaiah 50:10
Who among you fears the Lord
and obeys the word of his servant? Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light,
trust in the name of the Lord
and rely on their God. (NIV)
Who out there fears God,
actually listens to the voice of his servant? For anyone out there who doesn’t know where you’re going, anyone groping in the dark, Here’s what: Trust in God. Lean on your God!
Word Study
Rely – H9128 שָׁעַן šāʽan, to lean oneself upon, rely on
The Lord’s Ideal Servant Perseveres (50:4-11). In this third servant song the servant declared his confidence in God. He had not drawn back from the Lord’s commission, despite severe opposition and humiliation. He persevered, confident that the Lord would one day vindicate him before his enemies. The song concludes with an appeal for the servant’s faithful followers to continue to trust the Lord and with a warning of judgment to those who reject the Lord’s guidance (HCB Commentary).
Sometimes our world can come crashing in on us. Darkness looms all around. Isaiah reassures us to just keep walking. Trust God. You can’t see what is coming but He can. You can’t see in the dark but He can. Keep moving. Press on. Don’t give up.
Sometimes God leaves us in the dark because our enemy can’t see in the dark either.

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