Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God
Mom and I use to ride, walk and run long distances in the county surrounding our little town. No matter how far we went, on our way back we would eventually look up at the horizon and there would stand this group of trees we called Nessie. They looked just like the Loch Ness Monster rising up above the fields. We still had 2.5 miles to get home when we reached them, but every time we
did, we felt like we were already home. We were safe. Everything was going to be ok.When we are going through something in life, we have something or rather someone we can look up and see on the horizon as well. God is just waiting for you to look up and know you are safe. Quit struggling, be still and know he has got you. You are home. You are safe. Everything is going to be alright.