You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
I had to drive an hour and a half this morning to a meeting. It was mostly interstate and the speed limit was 65. I was doing 65. I had my cruise control set. People started passing me and I mean flying by me. I felt bad.
Yes, you read that right. I. Felt. Bad! I mean I felt guilty. Like I was some how slowing them down or getting in their way.
I contemplated speeding up and being like everyone else. Being part of the crowd. Keeping up with everyone. Passing all the “slow” drivers like me. Making them get out of my way.
Then it hit me! I was feeling guilty for doing the right thing. I was feeling bad because I wasn’t part of the crowd, doing what everyone else was doing. Doing what was really against the law.
OK, anyone else going huh? Why should I feel guilty?
Don’t for one minute think I am a driving saint! I don’t always obey the speed limit. Today, however, I was and I couldn’t believe I felt guilty for doing the right thing.
Peer pressure is an awful thing and it doesn’t just happen to young people. It can happen to anyone at any age. What it really boils down to is a pack of lies from the father of lies. He is just trying to get into your head. That old, “Did he really say you would die if you ate from that tree?!”
Keep steadfast! Don’t give in to the lies! You will find perfect peace when you hold on and trust the LORD!
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