Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
It was a really long day! I was feeling a little overwhelmed. It seemed everyone needed me at the same time today and there just wasn’t enough of me to go around.
I still had several more things to accomplish once I got home, but I was excited because at least I was leaving work and headed that way!
Then I came to my “favorite” road home…the one with the railroad tracks!
Yep! You guessed it there was a train on the track. It was going really slow. As a matter of fact, it stopped and went the other way and then stopped again and came back.
What did I do? Do I scream (cuss)? Did I throw a tantrum (cry)? Did I give up and bang my head on my steering wheel (cringe)?
I rolled down my windows. Turned off my car grabbed my phone to play some tunes and a book to read. I laid back and thought, “Wow! Time for me!” (Thanked God!)
I would love to tell you this is always my reaction when life throws something in my way. If I did, I would be lying through my teeth!
Patience has not and is not always my friend. However, there are sometimes I just have to find the silver lining! Today was one of those days. I mean seriously, how many times do you get to just kick back and read a book when you have a million other things to do. I had an excuse and everything! I was going to take full advantage of this!
Let’s be real here. Even the most organized list maker and planner is going to face obstacles though out the day. Now, I am not saying throw all the plans out, but how about we start looking at is as an outline of possibilities for the day. Then let’s just sit back and see what gifts God has to offer us for the day! Maybe you will be lucky enough to get a train to help you stop and relax too!
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