Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you.
I love these two verses. Well, I love most of these two verses. There are four little words that trip me up all the time!
At. The. Proper. Time!
Some versions say in the due time. I don’t care how you say it. It still means I have to be patient and that is NOT easy!
But I am getting better at it because I have learned the value of verse 7. Casting all my cares on him. One of my cares is I can’t wait. Sometimes it is because I am so excited and other times it is because I am frightened. Either way, I am like a kid waiting for Santa to place those gifts under my tree so I can open them up right now!
Do you know something awesome? God already knows this about me and he loves me just where I am. He knows I get anxious and he gently guides me through waiting spots in my life. I know I can always cast any cares on him and leave them there with him and he will take care of them because he cares about me.
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